Nahir Galarza: the long legal battle that starts now – 05/07/2018


Tuesday at 11 am, 19-year-old Nahir Galarza was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of her 20-year-old boyfriend Fernando Pastorizzo. But the reading of the verdict in advance was only the beginning of what will be a long judicial process . Even one of the girl's defense lawyers defined him as a "first round" and announced that he would appeal. So, how is the case going?

1. Know the basics

What was read Tuesday was Advance of the verdict . Only on Tuesday, July 24 – after the legal fair – the court will announce the complete reasons for the sentence. There, they will know which tests were taken into account and what was the judicial interpretation.

  Nahir Galarza with his parents during the trial (José Almeida).

Nahir Galarza with his parents during the trial (José Almeida).

2. Making Appeals

Beginning on July 25, the defense, the complaint and the prosecutor's office have 10 working days to appeal . This appeal concerns what the Court said, not the investigation. In other words, the parties must appeal against what the court has said that has sentenced him.

The addition of betrayal would not significantly alter the situation of Nahir Galarza, since the sentence would remain perpetual. But the complaint insists on this aggravating circumstance because in the "appeal" instance the defense will attack the bond, if they eventually succeed, we have the aggravating circumstance of betrayal, which is also perpetual "said Peragallo.

For its part, the defense has already anticipated that it will present the appeal in cbadation and all the following ones to which it is entitled if the result becomes unfavorable . "There are two or three other ongoing appeals, one to the Cbadation Chamber, the other to the Superior Court of Justice and possibly to the Supreme Court of Justice of the nation, José Ostolaza. , lawyer of Nahir Galarza, has maintained with Radio Cooperativa

Resolution to the Chamber of Cbadation

Once presented, the oral court of Gualeguaychú has three days to grant or not the appeal in cbadation. there, in 48 hours it is already in cbadation.This would be in mid-August.

The Chamber of Cbadation must dictate a resolution. "It is necessary, with people in detention, between six E eight months to solve the situation that is to say, put the auditions, listen to the parties and solve them, it can be a little less, "calculated Rondoni Caffa. "I had cases with inmates who did it at eight months, others at six months," he said. It is the only Chamber of Cbadation in Entre Ríos and receives the convictions of all the courts of the province.

"I understand that this is the Concordia Court of Cbadation, which is a new one, is working a few days ago," said Peragallo. "It's very new, I still do not know the names of the judges, "added the lawyer.In terms of deadlines, the council considers that the process of cbadation should be settled before the end of the year

  Nahir Galarza at the hearings ( José Almeida)

Nahir Galarza at the hearings (José Almeida)

] 4. Challenge to the Superior Court

If the Chamber of Cbadation confirms what was said by the oral court, which remains for the defense is the extraordinary appeal to the Superior Court of Justice of Entre Ríos which is located in Paraná.They have 10 working days to present it.The Superior Court takes six to eight months to solve it.

5. Appeal to the Supreme Court

If all the instances confirm what the Gualeguaychú court said Tuesday, what remains for the defense is the appeal to the Supreme Court of the nation in the city of Buenos Aires. This is the so-called "extraordinary federal remedy", which is often not granted. And they will complain. The court can take one, two or three years to resolve it, as the case may be.

6. Leave the sentence closed

"I would say that from here to a year and a half or two, at the latest, everything that is provincial and also the Court should be resolved, but I specify that you can do it before : yes Castion in six months sets the audience and resolves, then goes to the higher and the deadlines are reduced, depending on the workload, "concluded Rondoni Caffa.

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