Naked woman threatened reporter live on TV


On television in this European country, the most popular host on local television has been threatened live and live by a Women that she walked into the studios of the station totally naked.

The particular event, which brought out the program for a few minutes, took place in the “Direct Access” cycle, led by the famous journalistMirela Vaida.

The Women ran in the studio of a station on a TV channel Romania, but he was unable to hit the station’s star journalist due to the quick and astute intervention of one of the cameramen, who quit his job to arrest the violent and nudist Women.

When the “Direct Access” program has returned to the air after the unexpected exit from the screen, the journalist He confessed that he had a fanatic who threatened him on several occasions and said, trembling: “I am afraid for my life”.

“The attacker, without clothes, had a brick in his hand and demanded money from Mirela VaidaThey wrote on the channel’s social media.

According to Vaida, he receives a large number of threats on his social media accounts.

Although the video quickly went viral, the program decided to “analyze” everything that had happened, so that many viewers began to sow a sea of ​​doubts as to the veracity of the attempted attack.

Neither slow nor lazy, some Internet users considered that the attacker seemed to have something transparent on his body, as if they had tried to hide some of his private parts.


A woman attacks a journalist living in Romania.

A woman attacks a journalist living in Romania.

While another line of doubt also arises from the history of the program, which has been fined by national media.

The sanctions received by the television program of Romania they were seen as raising “questionable questions which are used to increase audiences at all costs”.

In the meantime, the debate continues on the networks and the video continues to add reproductions, while doubts about the veracity of the facts are the order of the day.


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