Naphtha exceeded 38 pesos at Posadas and much of Misiones


Posadas. The price of naphtha has exceeded the bar of 38 pesos in Posadas and the owner of Cesane (NEA Chamber of Services and Related Services), Faruk Jalaf, has warned that the price goes wrong, he continues to say. increase despite the slight decline in the price of the dollar.

"We (for indoor stationary), we had in a week, the three increases that you had … now, without a doubt, they divide the increases by area so that they do not have to increase. do not attract attention, but prices go away last week, the price of a barrel of oil dropped to 70 dollars and the dollar low to 28 pesos .. But there is still the creole vivacity. They will say that it is because of inflation.There are always arguments to raise the price, but not to lower it, "complained the man of business, criticism of oil policy.

Consulted on this point, Jalaf said the increase went from 8 to 12%, those who climbed the most. In particular, Naphtha and Premium diesel, "with a small difference between oil and oil."

Online criticism for oil companies, Jalaf said that the imposition of various prices in different places, to "confuse". "They say it's because of the freight but it's not like that." In the federal capital, there are naphtha prices up to 15-20% cheaper, and during This gap persists since the time of the former Kirchner Trade Secretary, Guillermo Moreno, you cross General Paz Avenue and change prices. "

" These are things that If it is by freight, they should be worth the same thing (in Capital and Greater Buenos Aires) .Years ago, the price was uniform.It was unified because the The largest consumption is in large urban centers and the freight has been compensated in the interior of the land.Therefore, we have benefited the regional economies.Now it is the reverse, "he said. questioned the head of Cesane, for whom federalism in Argentina "does not exist", but is simply something "declamatory".

Finally, Jalaf said that consumption "fell" volumetrically 3% on average at the country level, but in Misiones, he declined "much more". "Inside, it had dropped by 30% compared to diesel, but these figures are fictitious because the car fleet has increased by 10% and this growth has not been reflected in sales", he concluded.

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