Naples teams up with Amazon to be the first football team with a store on its website


The club's strategy is to expand its presence beyond Europe, to North America, paying attention to the e-commerce giant's business figure.

Naples took a different step at the time of selling his official products . The Italian entity, combining it with its usual channels, decided to settle in Amazon to become the first football team in the world with a store inside the giant of ] Jeff Bezos .

The store which is already on the site Amazon, is available in the areas that the store has in United Kingdom Italy Germany France and Spain published

Items in stock are those that the fan can find on the club page and in its official stores.

The idea of ​​the Neapolitan team is favor access of his fans to articles . The club store has a section for these purchases, but the Aurelio de Laurentiis entity is no stranger to the business volume of Amazon which only in its main service about 100 million users all over the world

So things, the strategy of Naples is, after this first step, extend this presence beyond Europe ] to North America.

For the moment, this alliance makes the Italian team a pioneer football in this region.

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