“Narcogato” tried to go to jail with cocaine, crack and marijuana | the Chronicle


The drug traffickers never cease to amaze. A cat was arrested while attempting to enter a Panamanian prison with drugs wrapped in his body.

Guards and police units on the outskirts of the New Hope Prison, in the Caribbean province of Colón, about 80 kilometers north of Panama City, they discovered that the cat was carrying something.

He was intercepted on his way to the perimeter fence of the penitentiary, which houses more than 1,700 inmates.

“The animal had a cloth tied around the neck which contained two envelopes” with “vegetable matter, four envelopes lined with transparent plastic in white powder and another with leaves,” explained Andrés Gutiérrez, director general of the prison system. Panamanian.

Colón and Guna Yala’s drug attorney, Eduardo Rodríguez, told Telemetro that the cat was wearing, cocaine, crack and marijuana.

Authorities suspect that, in order to transport drugs, animals are tricked with food from prisons to bring them back with the illicit substances.

After the cat’s capture, the prosecution of Colón and Guna Yala announced on their Twitter account that they had opened “investigations into the use of animals for the transfer of illicit substances to the Nueva Esperanza penitentiary center”.

The Government Ministry indicated that once the evidence had been gathered, andThe cat was donated to an animal welfare foundation.


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