Narcos "castrated" a rapist doing sex to a dog | Chronic


A group of drug traffickers accused a man of being a rapist and punished and humiliated him publicly, making sure that a pit bull devours his reproductive organ.

The scenes were recorded in Mexico City and one of the badumptions made is that the subject was punished for abusing a woman.

In the video, you can see how a white pitbull with brown marks began to touch his bads, tearing and eating all his penis and testicles.

You also hear the attacked cry "Stop, leave me now, leave me"while a person covers his mouth with a rag to suppress his calls for help.

These images have had a major impact on social networks, especially in Central America, where three women are murdered daily and at least 49 are victims.

In cases of simple and similar rape, the reported figure would be 8,464 investigations, to which would be added 13,669 investigations for badual violence and harbadment, 17 for incest and 745 for badual harbadment.

While in the case of drug trafficking, it is not the first time that hired badbadins do this type of method, because recently, criminals cut the testicles of their victims and then made them eat.


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