NASA gets tired of skeptics: it's amazing, we brought 380 kilos of rocks from the moon


For Potter, the best definition of this journey of the 20/7 It's as simple as that: "The world has changed for the better". "It was the first time humans had left earth orbit and visited another world, and these missions have also allowed us to explore more distant worlds in the future.", he added.

With the epic of the accomplished Apollo 11, the question is: Why have not there been new missions on the moon since 1972? The spokesperson explained that "Three other missions were planned in the initial plan, but all were canceled due to budget restrictions".

apollo 17 1972.jpg

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An astronaut from the Apollo 17 mission collects lunar samples.

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An astronaut from the Apollo 17 mission collects lunar samples.


I challenge skeptics

The long interval of decades without travel is always one of the arguments of the group of skeptics. Those who believe that the journey never materialized see it as proof that the race to the moon was only a publicity problem, which ended as soon as the terrible Soviet enemy could be vanquished .

For Potter, which is implausible, it is that there are still people who stoke these theories. "It is surprising that people are questioning the moon's landings, given all the evidence that corroborates the reality of the missions." The conspiracy theorists who still doubt the authenticity of the arrival on the moon should probably ask first why they question it ".

NASA's material to prove that he sent a dozen astronauts to our satellite, he said, is plentiful. "For those who have questions, we invite you to examine it yourself: 380 kilos of lunar rocks collected and studied by scientists around the world for decades, you can still bounce the Earth's lasers in the retroreflective mirrors placed on the lunar surface and lunar surface. " Orbiter recognition in 2011 photographed the landing sites "he listed.

Luna Rock Video

Part of the lunar rocks collection of NASA.

In addition, he continued, "It is estimated that more than 400,000 people have worked around the world, which means that many eyes are watching her".

Finally, "All Apollo missions were independently tracked by the United States' main opponent during the Cold War, the Soviet Union, who would not have sent a congratulatory letter to NASA if the landings did not occur. had never happened ".

Back to the moon

But beyond the controversy, Potter focuses on the main spatial challenge of the agenda: "We are working right now to bring the astronauts back in five years, this time to stay".

In his opinion, the project to return to the Moon in 2024 will have an effect similar to that of the year '69. "Just as Apollo inspired a generation 50 years ago, NASA continues to inspire today with feats of science and exploration.Our dreams represent the hope of all humanity to reach new horizons and reveal the unknown.This is our vision.We are at the dawn of a new era of l & # 39; human exploration"


<img src = "" longdesc = " 0036824838.jpg? 0000-00-00-00-00-00-00 "alt ="

NASA wants to return to the moon in 2024.

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NASA wants to return to the moon in 2024.


For that, anyway, it misses a lot. The administrator of the space agency, Jim Bridenstine, reported to the US Senate just a few hours ago between 20,000 and 30 billion USD extra to finalize the program. If funds are maintained at the current level, the project will be seriously compromised.

Tourists on the moon

Another interesting topic that has emerged in recent weeks is the possibility that tourist trips to the moon are possible in the not-so-distant future.

The spokesman said NASA would work with partners around the world to create a "Sustained presence in 2028" and that this vast campaign of exploration with trading partners could include "Opportunities for citizens and the private sector".

Thus, has already announced its intention to authorize tourist trips to the International Space Station from 2020, after the conclusion of agreements with Boeing and SpaceX. Visitors can stay for up to 30 days and pay $ 30,000 per day for food and oxygen.


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