NASA is preparing something special for the anniversary of the arrival on the Moon


On July 20, the man entered for the first time in history, about 50 years ago. Luna thanks to the Apollo 11 mission, whose crew members were Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins.

This fact represents one of the most remarkable achievements for the NASAand that's why this space agency is considering celebrating it in a very special way.

As part of the festivities, NASA wishes to engage the people who attended this historic event, through a testimonial in which they tell how they lived it. July 20, 1969.

That's why via its official website, invite people to send a sound in which they recount their memories of that date.

And although the younger generations did not experience the arrival of humans on the moon, they could interview a friend or family member to explain what it meant for them.

Even NASA has published a list of suggested questions that people could answer, such as:

– What does space exploration mean to you?

– How do you think it would be to see humans walking on the moon again?

– When you think of the moon, what do you think?

– What do you want to know about the moon?

Once people have their testimony, they can send it by email. [email protected] and the NASA space agency plans to share some of the recordings of its social networking accounts to celebrate the anniversary of the day the man walked on the moon for the first time.

According to the space agency, about 530 million people watched the live broadcast the arrival on the Moon, there will surely be many testimonials on this space mission.


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