NASA makes its entire file public and so these are the best satellite images of Chile


Examine the space and look for what is in each corner of our galaxy is one of the missions performed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, better known as NASA (after its initials in English). founded in 1958.

For this reason, it is not surprising that in its archives, it adds more than 140,000 images and pieces of audiovisual material – recordings and videos – that have been made available to people for two days as belonging to the public domain.

The archives of the new library of royalty-free images have been established by NASA astronauts, machines or workers since 1920. It should be noted that the archives also deal with documents collected by the National Advisory Committee of the United States. Aeronautics (NACA). predecessor agency founded in March 1915 to undertake, promote and institutionalize aeronautical research.


How can you access the platform and what can you find? It's easy because you simply go to to search with specification for any element, star, star, planet or cosmic character contained in the material.

In more than 60 collections, you can find images of historical moments such as the arrival of Apollo 11 on the Moon or striking images of nebulae, the Earth, distant planets that have just been discovered or the beginning of 20th century with astronomical portraits

Even if, in the search bar, you search for Chile, 188 results appear between satellite images of our territory, emergency situations such as volcanic eruptions or forest fires captured in space and some records made by the agency on the surface of our territory.

Check below for some of the most striking images.

feather of chaitén

The Chaitén volcano in Chile continues to explode after the first explosion of May 2008, after about 9,000 years of inactivity. This image of NASA's Terra spacecraft shows vegetation in red. The extension of the pen is clearly visible. / NASA

Chilean Space

(24 December 2018) — The cloud-covered Pacific coast of the South American nation of Chile contrasts with the Andean mountain range and the cloud formations that extend over the north. Argentina. / NASA

Feather of Calbuco on Chile NASA's Earth Observing-1 satellite shows the Calbuco column rising above the cloud cover over Chile. / NASA


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