NASA: Mars would have the best possible houses to live | Videos | Planet | YouTube | World


While it is true, the dream of living on Mars has been a human fantasy for several decades. There are movies that tell what would be living in the "Red Planet ", which is why the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) published some drawings on how the houses in this Place

The US government agency and the University of Bradley, through a contest, chose the top five housing projects on Mars, which were 18 candidates who participated in the 3D Challenge Challenge of the 3D Printed Habitat Challenge (3D Centennial Challenge of Printed Habitats.)

YOU CAN SEE NASA: 20 Years of Change on Earth [19659004] "We are thrilled to see the success of this group of teams that have come closer to this competition." Monsi Roman, Director of NASA's Centennial Challenges Program

The challenge was to design different forms of space housing sustainable, that is to say natural conditions rovecharan and site resources to reduce energy requirements.

The winning team of the competition was the team Zopherus of Rogers originally from Arkansas, not the other four finalists won a prize of $ 100,000 per group

These are the finalists houses in the conquest:

First the Zopherus team from Rogers, Arkansas (USA).


The New York AI team. SpaceFactory comes second.

Kahn-Yates of Jackson, Mississippi, is ranked third.

SEArch / Apis Cor of New York, finished fourth

Northwestern University of Evanston , Illinois, closed the first five

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