NASA researchers have discovered a huge crack in Antarctica


Antarctica is one of the regions most affected by global warming. A recent discovery by scientists around the world NASA seems to check this problem.

It is a gigantic cavity of 25 square miles and 980 feet high, located inside the Thwaites Glacier, whose size would be two-thirds the size of Manhattan.

A gigantic cavity of 40 km2 and 300 meters high, which grows at the bottom of the Thwaites Glacier (currently responsible for 4% of the sea level rise in the world.) In West Antarctica, confirms that this he disintegrates

– Francisco Camacho (@camachosoft) January 31, 2019

According to experts, this huge crack could have been occupied by some 14,000 million tonnes of ice, which has virtually melted in the past three years, raising concerns among the scientific community.

"The size of a cavity under a glacier plays an important role in the melting.As heat and water enter the glacier, they melt faster," he said. declared. Pietro Milillo, one of the specialists in charge of discovery.

This discovery was made with radar capable of penetrating the ice of the Thwaites Glacier, already suspected of not being firmly attached to the continental soil.

According to NASA, the Thwaites Glacier would be responsible for nearly 4% of the sea level rise. In addition to that, it has enough ice to lift the global ocean from a little bit more than 2 inches.

If this Antarctic glacier, the size of Florida, collapses into the sea, it could be the kind of event that will change the course of civilization.
-The race to understand the most terrifying glacier of the Antarctic

– Living Architecture (@arquitect_viva) January 26, 2019

This study, along with other similar studies conducted by the US Space Agency, underline the importance of making detailed observations of the bottom of these thick layers of ice to calculate the speed at which sea level will rise because of climate change.


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