NASA: Superstar Eta Carinae Shoots Cosmic Rays That Will Hit the Earth | YouTube | Space | NuSTAR | United States | PICTURES | Science | Technology and Science


A new study using data from the MuSTAR Space Telescope of the NASA suggests that the brightest and most mbadive star system of about 10,000 light-years, Eta Carinae accelerates the high energies, some of which could reach Earth as cosmic rays . This was advanced by NASA in a video on his official channel at YouTube .

The space agency explained that cosmic rays with energies beyond one billion electron volts (EV) reach us further than our solar system . However, these particles (electrons, protons and atomic nuclei) all carry an electric charge, they distance from the course whenever they encounter magnetic fields. It moves their paths and masks their origins.

Eta Carinae located about 7500 light-years away in the constellation of Carina, contains a pair of mbadive stars whose eccentric orbits make them exceptionally close every 5.5 years. These stars contain 90 and 30 times the mbad of our Sun, explains NASA in the video of YouTube .

The two stars generate powerful fluxes called stellar winds that emit low-energy X-rays where they collide. The Fermi NASA Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope observes gamma rays (light contains much more energy than X-rays) from a source in the direction of Eta Carinae . ] However, Fermi's vision is not as clear as X-ray telescopes, so astronomers could not confirm the connection, says NASA . To fill this gap, astronomers have turned to the NuSTAR observatory, also of the US agency. Launched in 2012, NuSTAR can focus X-rays of much greater energy than any previous telescope

The team examined observations of NuSTAR acquired between March 2014 and June 2016, as well as the low-energy X-ray observations of the satellite XMM – Newton of the European Space Agency ( ESA ) during the same period. NuSTAR detects a source that emits X-rays above 30,000 eV, about three times more than can be explained by shockwaves in the winds in collision. In comparison, the energy of visible light ranges from 2 to 3 eV

The researchers say – according to the NASA in YouTube – that the emission of X-rays seen by NuSTAR as the emission of gamma rays seen by Fermi are best explained by accelerated electrons in shockwaves where winds collide .

The X-rays detected by NuSTAR and the gamma rays detected by Fermi come from the light of stars given a strong increase in energy by interactions with these electrons. Some of the ultra-fast electrons, as well as other accelerated particles, have to escape the system and maybe some of them break on Earth where they can be detected as cosmic rays, NASA .


The NASA is the National Administration of Aeronautics and Aeronautics. Space of the United States ( USA ).

It was founded by President Dwight D. Einsenhower in 1958 with a civil orientation.

Among the most important successes of NASA are the missions Apollo which arrived on the Moon. Currently supports the International Space Station while exploring other planets, stars, being its closest target Mars, the red planet.

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