Natalí Maidana was operated on in Porto Alegre and her condition is critical


Natalí Maidana is 15 years old and has cystic fibrosis . Due to his situation, he urgently needed a bipulmonary transplant but the operation had to be performed in Brazil. After a long struggle with Apross, justice forced the provincial and national governments to cover 100% of the costs of intervention and transfers . + SEE MORE: The Congress approved the new law on organ transplants

Finally, the Cordouan teenager received the transplant at the clinic Santa Casa de la Misericordia, Porto Alegre Sunday night. His parents were the ones who donated the lobes . It was a complex surgery that lasted about 10 and 12 hours, which was complicated due to an image of sepis .

According to the lawyer explained Carlos Nayi to El Doce, "his condition is critical" . "They managed to install the pulmonary lobes, but that has complications." She is compensated with drugs "she added

In addition, she said she had one last communication with the doctor, who informed her that Natalí "Is on hemodynamic support" . The situation is "complicated product of the long wait and having lost a right lung lobe" . + SEE MORE: Milagros Pedano, from Cordoba who needs a double lung transplant

Teenager "is in intensive care and is fighting for his life" said the lawyer , saying that "everything was done matched and at the right time." "They are critical hours" concluded

The doctor in charge of the operation was José Luis Peixoto Camargo, who has transplanted sisters Maribel and Marisol Oviedo and ] Sofía Sánchez (died due to a serious infectious process) . While Natalí continues to fight for her life, a new medical part should know its evolution.

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