Natalí Maidana's parents would register this weekend | News instantly from


This weekend, they would release Ivana Asis and Hugo Maidana, parents of Natalí, the young woman from Córdoba who died at dawn last Monday in the intensive care ward of Santa Hospital Casa de Misericordia of Porto Alegre. Brazil, after undergoing a bipulmonary transplant.

Ivana and Hugo gave the inferior pulmonary lobes that implanted their daughter in a complex procedure that lasted more than 10 hours.

Both continue to be interned in this health complex It belongs to the Federal Faculty of Medical Sciences of the city of Porto Alegre, in the extreme south of Brazil.

José Peixoto Camargo, who led the medical team that operated, communicated the novelty, personally, to Minister Francisco Fortuna

"The recovery of Natalí's father and mother is excellent and for this reason today i was going to evaluate them again to see if they were n in conditions to receive the medical discharge, "commented the official yesterday in dialogue with the Voice.

It was not until

Fortuna specified, however, that the transfer to Cordoba of the donors of the state capital of Rio Grande do Sul can only be completed within 10 to 15 days.

"There is a protocol that applies to patients who have undergone such procedures, and establishes a postoperative recovery period of 15 to 15 days, 21 days to allow for airlift". explained Fortuna.

The Minister of Health reiterated that the province will "guarantee" the return of Natali's parents and the girl's remains, "when the conditions will be given"

Natalí suffered from cystic fibrosis since birth [19659009] (function (d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; if (d.getElementById (id)) returns; js = d.createElement (s); = id; js.src = "http: //connect.facebook .net / en_LA / sdk.js # xfbml = 1 & version = v2.8 & appId = 136330739755442"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore (js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); [ad_2]
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