Natalie Weber, the wife of Mauro Zárate, will be in the dance


Nobody was waiting for it. At the end of his program Los Angeles de la Mañana Ángel De Brito confirmed who is the unexpected figure who will be in the new edition of Dancing. Model Natalie Weber, wife of footballer Mauro Zárate, will participate in the event.

Zárate was in the news in recent weeks for signing a contract with Boca, after crossing Vélez, the club where he was trained. Fans of Fortin saw this as treason and even the player had problems with his family .

  The position with which he confirmed his participation in the dance
The position with which he confirmed his participation in the dance.

Natalie was very distressed by the situation and, moreover, by what she suffered after knowing the news With her family, he received death threats and had to seek police custody to feel protected .

The model leads to dancing with this situation on his back, to which his recent health history adds. Last year, she received a difficult diagnosis that forced her to stop her plans.

In 2016, she was diagnosed with bad cancer after losing a pregnancy. " I got pissed at life I thought all the time:" What did I do wrong? … who did I hurt? "I have never acted badly with someone I do not understand … I could understand it, I stayed ten days without leaving my house," he described in an interview GENTE

When he returned to Argentina, he underwent a double mastectomy. "The first time I saw myself in front of the mirror, I nearly lost my pressure My mother had to bring me a Chair C was ugly because I did not recognize myself … I felt like a monster . Over time and surrounded by her family, she recovered from this feeling. Now it's time to dance.

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