National Cinema Day: 7 Argentine films to see absolutely


The May Revolution (restored film of 1909)

In Popular We have selected seven films that are coming out very well from Argentinian cinema. From 1950s clbadics to new visual research, to women's football or superheroes.

1. One on the Dictatorship: "The long night of Francisco Sanctis" | Andrea Testa, Francisco Márquez | 2016

The long night of Francisco Sanctis

This prima opera addresses a place a little revisited with regard to films taking place in the military dictatorship: the costumbrismo of the middle clbad who left the ideals behind, focus on work and family. And he does it with the strength of the off-field. We do not see the military, we do not see the green hawks, but they are, feel in the frames, in the dark streets of this silent and isolated city. But the most interesting thing is how the characters live in violence. Not from the physical point of view, the most used way in terms of graphics is time, but from the psychological point of view, the fear is in the faces, in the tension of looks. "A kiss and a flower" of Nino Bravo, theme heard during the film, acquires gloomy levels.

2. One of the new cinemas in Cordoba: "Caravana" | Rosendo Ruiz | 2010

Is there a cinema in Cordoba? Yes, that could be said. The "Beginning of the NCC" it would be located in November 2011 when they created "Caravan "," Hipólito " (Teodoro Ciampagna) and "The winter of the rare " (Rodrigo Guerrero) National cinema is particularly unitary, as few films made outside Buenos Aires are known, films having the appropriate appearance of the place where the story takes place. That's what these three movies do: tell specific peculiarities that the province of Córdoba has. In "De Caravana", the protagonist, who belongs to the upper clbad, is immersed in the popular world of the quartet with the intention of taking pictures of La Mona for the cover of his new album. Difference of clbades, cabarets, kidnappings, merchants, genres that mingle. All are inscribed in the love story between Juanjo, the cheto photographer, and Sara, the fan of La Mona. "De Caravana" won the Audience Award at the International Festival of Mar del Plata, where he had not won an Argentine film for 25 years.

3. An experiment: "P3ND3JO5" | Raúl Perrone | 2013

What is that isP3ND3J05"A silent film with music, a cumbiópera, a sensory journey through the suburbs, some of these options, even all of these, the one that takes place in the streets of Itzaaró is a complex job." Coppola and Van Sant face each other. Pasolini is watching the new Argentinean cinema, and especially the Polish director Carl Theodor Dreyer and his Joan of Arc. Perrone uses 157 minutes to merge skaters, ghosts, cumbia villera, electronic music with love and tragedy, meat and mind. So, what is "P3ND3J05"? Three acts and an epilogue of a sad and melancholy wandering, under the direction of the master of independent Argentine cinema.

4. A football: "Match today to three"

"Today Match at 3" focuses on Las Indomables, a women's football team. At 3 pm, they must play their match of the tournament organized by the candidate for mayor, who is in the middle of the campaign. But these Corrientes girls do not just want to play the sport they love the most. They are looking for this meeting place, where to feel comfort and camaraderie. The paddock full of mud serves as a place of escape to the repressive context in which they live. Documentary and fiction dialogue as these actors interact. That they tell each other their love, or that they tell each other how they fled to be able to play, or that they blame simply because Independiente beats River. Men occupy places of power in history: the technician, the mayor, the "master of ceremonies". But they are just looking, trying to be the center of attention, almost touching ridicule. At the center of attention, they are willing to demonstrate that when the ball falls, there is no bad that is worthy to gambol or lock in the soul.

5. One of the superheroes: "Kryptonita" | Nicanor Loreti | 2015

At that time, where there is no day when we open a news portal and something about the universe of Marvel (or DC), it's the day's note in Regarding cinema, we take this opportunity to remind ourselves that in Argentina we have our superhero movie: "Kryptonite ". Taking the aesthetic of the comics in Buenos Aires, the film builds a Argento origin for Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Green Lantern and Flash. Lautaro Delgado and Diego Cremonesi, respectively Wonder Woman and Flash, develop the most interesting characters in history. The first as a melancholy warrior, sweet and transvestite, and the second as a mysterious guide (leads the plot) that shows gesture to gesture all the endurance of mud and misery.

6. A black film: "Rosaura a las Diez" | Mario Soffici | 1958

It is considered by many to be the best movie in the history of national cinema. As always, these claims have supporters and dissenters. What leaves no doubt is that we are facing a clbadic black cinema. A film that could be Hitchbad, if the English director was born in Buenos Aires, in the era of slums and apartment buildings. Mario Sofici makes a very special and addictive film. The editing and photography resources accompany a specific scenario (based on Marco Denevi's novel) that plays with the characters and the audience, balancing costumbrismo and melodrama with the thriller. "It all started about six months earlier, that morning, when the postman brought a pink envelope to the hateful scent of violets."

7. A great gem: "Los Tallos Amargos" | Fernando Ayala | 1956

The film tells a perfect crime and the remorse of the one who commits it. But why is it a jewel? Because he has one of the darkest beauties in the history of our cinema. This succeeded Ricardo Younis, Chilean director of photography who made his entire career in Argentina. In 2000, the American magazine Cinematographer, one of the most respected in the field of film photography, conducted an investigation in which it was recognized that "The Tallos Amargos" was one of the best cinematographic photography works of the history, placing it in position No. 49. The only Latin American film included. Younis was a follower of Gregg Toland, considered by the same poll as the author of the best motion picture film in history by "Citizen Kane".

The dream of Alfredo Gasper is a summary of the quality of this film:

Scenes Bitter stems

The music? Of Piazzolla.


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