National Geographic has recognized a fifth ocean: the Austral


National Geographic, one of the world’s most recognized international organizations in the field of education and science has asserted that there is a fifth ocean and is called “Southern”. This body of water surrounds the Antarctic.

Scientists and experts had already recognized this pool of water, but there was a debate for decades in which some members of the organization have explained that this water did not have the characteristics as to be called an ocean.

National Geographic officially uses the 60 degree southern latitude to map the water’s edge. Australia, meanwhile, considers anything south of its country to be considered part of the Southern Ocean. (Photo: UN)

“The Southern Ocean has long been recognized by scientists, but since there has never been a international agreement, so it was not officially decreed, “he said. Alex tait, geographer of the National Geographic Society.

Formerly known as the Strait of Gerlache, this confluence of the southernmost parts of the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic Oceans has always been an interesting place for oceanographers.

Seth Sykora-Bodie, marine scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA, for its acronym in English) and National Geographic explorer noted: “Anyone who visits this site will have difficulties explain what is so fascinating, but everyone will agree that glaciers are more blue, the air is colder, the mountains are more intimidating, and the landscapes are more captivating than anywhere else you can go. “

According to experts, while other oceans are defined by the continents that surround them, the Southern Ocean is defined by a stream.

This current is called Circumpolar antarctica (ACC), which was established around 34 million years ago when Antarctica broke away from South America.

Although many countries and organizations around the world have recognized the Southern Ocean, not all agree on where exactly you are.

Scientists and experts had previously recognized this body of water, but there was a debate for decades in which some members of the organization explained that this water did not have the characteristics to qualify as an ocean. . (Photo: Pixabay)

National Geographic officially uses the 60 degrees south latitude, to draw the edge of the water. Australia, instead, consider that whatever is found in the south of your country it is considered to be part of the Southern Ocean.


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