National pride: whale watching Península Valdés was chosen as the best of the continent | Chronic


Whale watching in the Valdés Peninsula's Protected Natural Area has won the 2019 World Travel Award as "a landmark whale watching destination in South America," the Chubut government said Sunday. .

According to the official dispatch, "This international award, which rewards the excellence of the tourism industry worldwide, was presented this Saturday in La Paz, Bolivia, where Chubut, on behalf of Argentina, will be competing in November with the rest of the world's whale watching destinations on every continent. "

"It was a very exciting ceremony, the jury unanimously voted the observation at Península Valdés, in a list that included Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Uruguay – this which for us is a big vote of confidence because it recognizes that the iconic product of Chubut is not only important worldwide, but by its characteristics also offers a unique experience ", explained the Minister of Tourism of Chubut, Néstor García, present at the ceremony.

The official added: "We believe that the recognition of the whale product and Península Valdés will have an effect on the rest of the province's supply."

Whale watching is developed by six companies approved by the government of Chubut and consists of a tourist service aboard boats that tackle specimens of "Southern Right Whale " who reach the northeastern shores of this province to respond to the life cycle of reproduction and training of young people.


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