NATO said China presents “systemic challenges” and urged the regime to “act responsibly”


Photo of leaders meeting in Brussels (Reuters)
Photo of leaders meeting in Brussels (Reuters)

NATO leaders on Monday urged China to “respect its international commitments and act responsibly in the international system“And expressed their concern about the “coercive policies” applied by Beijing, which they considered contrary to the values ​​of the Alliance.

“We urge China to uphold its international commitments and act responsibly in the international system, including in the space, cyber and maritime fields, in accordance with its role as a great power, ”NATO leaders said in the joint conclusions following their summit in Brussels.

In the text, the leaders note China’s “growing influence and international policy,” which “may present challenges” that NATO must jointly address by defending “its security and interests.”

China’s stated ambitions and resolute behavior present systemic challenges to the rules-based international order and other areas relevant to Alliance security. We are concerned about coercive policies that contrast with the fundamental values ​​that the Washington Treaty preserves, ”they warn.

NATO also aims rapid expansion of Beijing’s nuclear arsenal “With more warheads and a greater number of sophisticated systems to establish a nuclear triad”, ie the division of the atomic arsenal of a country in missiles on the ground, projectiles carried by strategic bombers and rockets carried by nuclear submarines.

China, they point out, is “opaque in the implementation of its military modernization and its publicly declared strategy of civil-military fusion” and, moreover, “cooperates militarily with Russia, in particular by participating in Russian exercises in the Euro-Atlantic area”. “We remain concerned about China’s usual lack of transparency and the use of disinformation.”

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, at the center of the NATO summit (Reuters)
Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, at the center of the NATO summit (Reuters)

The Alliance welcomes the “opportunities to interact” with China “in areas relevant to the Alliance and on common challenges such as climate change” and to maintain “a” constructive dialogue with Beijing “in the whenever possible ”, as they see the value of exchanging information on respective policies and activities” in discussing “potential disagreements”.

“The allies urge China to seriously engage in dialogue, confidence building and transparency around its nuclear doctrine and capabilities. Mutual transparency and understanding would benefit both NATO and China, ”the allies conclude in their conclusions.

The other four key points of the summit declaration

Military strengthening of Russia

“Russia’s growing military reinforcement, firmer posture, new military capabilities and provocative activities, even near NATO borders … increasingly threaten the security of the Euro-Atlantic region and contribute to instability along NATO’s borders and beyond, “stressed the leaders.

In the Declaration, NATO also mentioned “the intensification of hybrid actions”, in particular “attempts to interfere in elections and democratic processes” of allied countries and “large-scale disinformation campaigns”.

New threats

“Terrorism, in all its forms and manifestations, remains a persistent threat to all of us. State and non-state actors challenge the rules-based international order and seek to undermine democracy around the world, ”the Declaration notes.

“We are increasingly confronted with cyberthreats, hybrids and other asymmetric threats, including disinformation campaigns, and the malicious use of increasingly sophisticated emerging and disruptive technologies,” the text adds.

In addition, he stresses that “climate change is a threat multiplier which affects the security of the alliance”.

European defense

“NATO recognizes the importance of a stronger and more effective European defense. The development of coherent, complementary and interoperable defense capabilities, avoiding unnecessary duplication, is essential in our joint efforts to make the Euro-Atlantic area more secure, ”the leaders said.

These efforts “will lead to a stronger NATO, help strengthen our common security, contribute to transatlantic cargo sharing, help deliver the necessary capabilities and support an overall increase in defense spending,” the document said.

Role in Afghanistan

The withdrawal of NATO troops does not mean the end of our relations with Afghanistan, ”says the Declaration.

Alliance leaders noted that NATO would continue to provide “training and financial support to the Afghan national defense and security forces” and that they would maintain “an office of the senior civilian representative in Kabul to pursue the diplomatic engagement and strengthen our partnership ”.

In particular, NATO stands ready to provide resources to “ensure the continued operation” of Kabul International Airport.

(With information from EFE and AFP)


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