Navarro Cádiz, the alleged murderer of Olivares and Yadón, admitted to manipulating a weapon but said that he did not know what had happened.


On the other hand, Miguel Navarro Fernández, other prisoners for the double crime in Congress, denied today having been inside the car at the time the shots were fired on May 9.

Navarro Fernandez also badured that his nephew had looked for him in the vehicle after the double crime and that the human silhouettes pierced in the wall of his house were drawings of his grandchildren struck with a hammer.

The accused, aged 55, father of the alleged gunman Juan José Navarro Cádiz, opened for the third time today with the judges of instruction Mariano Iturralde and Estela Andrades, in the context of the case which investigates on the crimes of the deputy Héctor Olivares your adviser, Miguel Yadón.

The lawyer of Navarro Fernández, Ramón Arigós, insured Telam that his client was the subject of an investigation for the crime of "Double homicide tripled is aggravated by treason, premeditated competition of two or more people and for pleasure".

The defendant said that his nephew, Juan Jesús Fernández (42), who appears in the videos, is the sturdy man who gets off the Volkswagen Vento car after the shooting, went to his apartment Viceroy Cevallos 215 and woke him up by saying to him: "He spent a ruin with me and with Juan Jose".


The "Gitano" and his daughter claim that Navarro Cádiz was the gunman

Navarro Cádiz refused to testify after being extradited from Uruguay

Shortly after, both got into the car and parked in Bartolomé Miter's 1444 garage, which is why – they explained – both were filmed in the videos of this shop.

While in the case, a witness claims to have seen him climb into the Vento at 6:15 am, Navarro categorically denied going to Plaza Congreso. He said that the timetable was wrong and that it was after the double crime of 6.51.

According to the version of Navarro Fernández presented to the judge, he then went to the home of his son, located in Montevideo 76, and found him asleep "collapsed" in a bed.

"My son was babbling", he told the magistrate, after which he explained that they loaded it and they took it to the Renault 19 of the family and together with a 7 year old grandson and his wife all went to the city of Buenos Aires Escobar, where he met his nephew.

They then traveled to Concepcion del Uruguay, a town of the individual, where his son and his wife left to go to Uruguay, while he stayed with Fernandez and his grandson until they are arrested.

Consulted on the four human silhouettes with impacts uncovered during a raid on his house, Navarro Fernández denied being used to training in target shooting with any type of camera. armed.

"These are drawings of my grandchildren aged 8 and 10, my daughter's children, who live in Spain," said the accused, explaining that his holes were "a small hammer, like broken windows." ", similar to those they have collective in case of emergency.

In this regard, he asked the judge to exercise jurisdiction to establish that it was not a question of compressed air impacts.


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