Nearly impossible viral challenge: can you find the only two empty syringes? | the Chronicle


The viral challenges they are commonplace in social networks but not the fact that everyone can overcome them. The latter was all the rage because it generated a strong impact due to its level of difficulty, unlike others which are generally simpler: it is about finding the only 2 empty syringes inside many that are in a picture. Only 3% of participants came out undefeated.

The eye test was created by Televisa news, who posted it on their website on May 13 of this year and was subsequently reproduced by social media around the world, from Facebook until TIC Tac e Instagram. Thousands of users of Mexico, United States Yes SpainThey keep talking about it and wonder if anyone has found the key to success.

There are several kids who are hackers and so they manage to win every challenge, but it was considered the biggest challenge even for them. Each challenge is made to have fun on the networks and promote communication between users around the world. If you didn’t pass the challenge, you will see the image below with the real answer. The next challenge you will surely win.

See the answer to the viral challenge

Only 3% of users who joined the challenge were able to overcome it.

See more viral challenges on Twitter


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