Neil Armstrong's family received $ 6 million in medical malpractice compensation following the death of the astronaut


L & # 39; agreement It was a well kept secret until this week, which was published by the New York Times. The information was sent by mail, they explained in the newspaper, in the form of 93 pages of documents on the judicial procedure.

According to the newspaper, Armstrong's children, Mark and Rick, they sued Mercy Health-Fairfield Hospital from Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, where the astronaut was operated on.

The Armstrong family achieved a favorable result at the age of 45 when they landed: Mark and Rick were going to speak at an official event at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. they informed the Cincinnati Medical Center that they were going to reveal what had happened to reporters who have asked questions about "little known facts" about Armstrong's life.

aldrin armstrong collins.jpg

Aldrin, Armstrong and Collins a few days before leaving with Apollo 11

Aldrin, Armstrong and Collins a few days before leaving with Apollo 11

he medical center managed to find an agreement outside the courthouse to avoid bad publicity, and the settlement with the corresponding compensation were kept secret.

Mark and Rick Armstrong have received US $ 5.2 million in halfand the rest of the money was distributed for $ 250,000 to the astronaut's brother, $ 250,000 for his sister and $ 24,000 per head for his six grandchildren.

Armstrong died at the age of 82 on August 25, 2012, two weeks after undergoing coronary artery bypbad surgery. His family argued in his application that was a victim of "medical malpractice" at the postoperative stage.

According to the family, the nurses removed Armstrong's cables for a temporary pacemaker, caused hemorrhage into the cardiac membrane, and therefore a series of problems that became his death.

No member of the Armstrong family made a public statement about the agreement revealed by the NYT, but the attorney who represented the grandchildren of the astronaut, Bertha G. Helmick, agreed that "if the existence of the application for" death by negligence "and l '" agreement was revealed by the interested parties they should return the total compensation".


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