The question "what do you want to do when you grow up?" – and often their more traditional responses – have been established for decades in popular and even family culture. Many parents are disappointed and try to change the naive response of their children. This is perhaps one of the reasons why, although many parents say that the value they care about for the development of their children is a consideration for others, children believe that the success is more appreciated.
When jobs are used to define ourselves, our value depends on what we do. "When the ideal is very high, the difference between that and the real possibilities of reaching that profession is such that what appears is the frustration and as a psychopathological picture depressions ", warned in dialogue with Infobae Agustina Fernández, psychobadyst, member of the Argentinian Psychobadytical Association, specialist in adolescents.
The second problem is the implication that we all have one vocation. Although this can be defined as a great source of happiness, some studies indicate that the search for a vocation gives students the feeling of lost and confused. And even if they are lucky enough to find it, it may not be a viable career.
"The children of today answer that they want to be successful, recognized or famous, as if, today, the glory or economic success was worth more than the profession. We should ask ourselves what values we teach them or even what we do with them, "said the specialist.
Each profession touches the individual and will become a part of each person's identity. There is a game of ideals where the present are determined to succeed. For the specialist, "in this successful culture, the contemporary subject pursues economic success". They listen and observe their parents, their teachers, their brothers and sisters and all the secondary training agents, inserted in this world. Value success first. "
AT Felisa Lambersky from Widder, Pediatrician, psychobadyst and coordinator of the children and adolescents department of the Psychobadytic Association of Argentina, children often identify with adults who have succeeded. However, vocational fantasy about those who, since their childhood, they themselves consider as heroes, as they grow up, realize that certain professions do not coincide with their own ideals.
If these obstacles are overcome, there is a third obstacle: the professions they rarely meet the expectations of childhood. According to a study conducted by researchers at Columbia University, finding the ideal job has caused seniors in the University of anxious, stressed, overwhelmed and depressed throughout the process, as well as less satisfied with the result.
The advantage of modest expectations do they eliminate the gap between what is wanted and what is obtained. Evidence shows that, instead of having a "pink" picture of what a job will look like, it's better to have a realistic view, with all its flaws. Of course, this may not be so exciting, but in general, when they do, humans tend to be more productive and less likely to give up.
We humans have multiple interests. When choosing a career, which is between the fourth and fifth year of high school, the interests are hierarchical and those who will become professional are chosen. Those who do not, stay in the hobby figure.
"When they are boys, 50% of children want to be footballers.When they reach adolescence, they realize that they can not do it, they choose to practice the activity." as a hobby and to professionalize another interest. " always, it is continuous, there are re-elections, not even at 18, a young person has all the tools to choose his future, "concluded the specialist.
Aspirations must go beyond the professional life. Asking boys what they want to be good makes them adopt a professional identity that may never interest them. Better, the experts suggest to invite them to think what kind of person they want to be and all the things that they would like to do.
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