Nelson Castro has confirmed in justice that Alberto Fernández "clearly spoke of concealment" to Iran


The journalist Nelson Castro said this Thursday as a witness in the case that is investigating the Allegation of concealment of AMIA attack through the protocol of agreement with Iran and has ratified "the terms" of the interview he had with Alberto Fernández weeks after the death of prosecutor Alberto Nisman.

"I have ratified the terms of the report. The Alberto Fernández did not give political opinion, but gave a legal opinion, spoke of concealment in clear terms. In the first minute and a half, he mentions the word "concealment" seven times. He states that Cristina (Kirchner) will leave the government with two macules, measures taken to protect her, one case (Amado) Boudou and the other case AMIA. These are strong opinions, "said Nelson in a dialogue with TN after declaring in court.

The journalist was summoned by Federal Judge Claudio Bonadio following the statements of Alberto Fernández in an interview that he had granted to him on February 26, 2015, shortly after finding the prosecutor Alberto Nisman dead in the hall bath of his apartment. in the towers of the Park, in Puerto Madero.

In this context, the journalist TN He explained that the presidential candidate of the Frente de Todos had used legal concepts to refer to the alleged pact with Iran and had maintained: "The interview is overwhelming, it's very hard to come back from that, he talked about Cristina as the instigator, and after the executors"

Nelson explained inter alia that he had called Fernandez to the report because the former chief of staff "was a person who had been following the theme of the AMIA attack since July 18, 1994".

Castro arrived alone in Comodoro Py and declared himself at the same office where Alberto Fernández made it on Wednesday. Bonadio entered a few moments to greet him but was not present in the process, which lasted about 40 minutes.

Fernandez said Wednesday in the court of Bonadio. Credits: EFE.
Fernandez said Wednesday in the court of Bonadio. Credits: EFE.

The day before, Fernandez had stated in court that "it is notoriously well-known that I have always criticized the decision of the memorandum" and emphasized that his statements were "an opinion".

And he continued: "Everyone knows that I've been critical. Everyone knows that I did not agree with this measure and I also repeated a thousand times that it was a non-judicial political issue. The statement they told me about, which appeared on Nelson Castro 's show, was the continuation of a conversation I had with Nelson Castro radio. What I said earlier was a parallel between Nisman's questioning and the political question. That's why we're talking about how concealment works in criminal matters and how it would be politically, "he explained.


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