Nelson Castro took place while he was covering an assembly in Ecuador


TN Reporter Nelson Castro traveled to Ecuador to cover the political and social crisis in this country. While I was in one of the assemblies of indigenous organizations against government adjustment measures Lenin Morenothe chronicler was held for hours.

As reflected in the TN portal, they have been delayed two hours against his will and they said: "Nobody leaves here before showing what the natives have to say". Even, they said, the demonstrators showed weapons, motorcycles of the security forces and eight kidnapped police officers who, according to them, will apply "indigenous justice".

"The Ecuadorian press shows a different view of what is happening and it is criticized by the protesters. For this reason, at one point in the Congress, one of the leaders spoke and said, "We have information that police cars will arrive. Therefore, We will tell the press that he will stay here. Nobody can go out " Nelson Castro explained in the correspondent.

From the middle, they explained to the protesters that, for reasons of transmission, they could not show live what was going on. So they let them go at two o'clock, followed by the guards.

On 1 October, Lenín Moreno, on the basis of an agreement with the International Monetary Fund, removed a fuel subsidy that affected the price of gasoline. Demonstrations led to the establishment of the state of emergency and the transfer of government headquarters to Guayaquil, about 400 kilometers south of Quito.


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