Nelson in the Bahamas: Hurricane Dorian has left 43 dead and thousands are missing


While Hurricane Dorian continues to punish the east coast of the United States, new data regarding the disaster that caused its pbadage through the Bahamas are still known. Nelson, the correspondentHe went to Grand Bahama, one of the most affected islands in the region, and witnessed the dark landscape in which its inhabitants find themselves. According to official information, the dead are already 43, while the missing amount to thousands.

The reporter 's visit to Grand Bahama lasted only 10 hours, due to lack of basic resources such as water and electricity. Meanwhile, access to the neighboring island of Abacus, which has suffered the total destruction of houses, hotels and pensions throughout its territory, is not possible because it is located completely flooded.

As Castro might say, the authorities expect that after the descent of the two meters of water that flood the island, the corpses of hundreds of people They have disappeared since the beginning of this week.

The devastating effects of Dorian on the Bahamas are partly due to lack of preparation. "Nobody imagined the magnitude of what happened. The people who live there are used to hurricanes, but no one has anticipated their strength, "said the reporter, adding:" It has also happened that there was a space of clarity that gave the idea that the danger had pbaded. However, it was an interlude of 20 or 30 minutes in which many were neglected and surprised. "

Another determining factor was the long period during which the phenomenon stayed on the region: 36 hours. In this respect, the experts consulted by Nelson, the correspondent, They said that they had never seen a hurricane last that long.

Workers cleaning the terminals of the Grand Bahama Freeport Airport (Photo: EFE / EPA / CRISTOBAL HERRERA).
Workers cleaning the terminals of the Grand Bahama Freeport Airport (Photo: EFE / EPA / CRISTOBAL HERRERA).

In the face of desperate circumstances, the Government of the Bahamas thanked the many humanitarian aid shipments and appealed to tourists. "Visits to the islands will be very useful unaffected Bahamas. They are open, "said Ellison Thompson, deputy director general of the Ministry of Tourism and Aviation.

In the Bahamas, tourism accounts for half of gross domestic product, $ 5.7 billion, according to the Bahamas Investment Authority. However, due to the crossing of Dorian, a still undetermined number of rental properties, hotels and other tourist residences were strongly affected.


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