"Nelson, the correspondent", hand in hand with Brigitte Macron: "Our Lady is our story"


A few days after the fire that left the destruction of Our Lady on the edge, the whole country is already thinking of rebuilding. "All the French and the whole world are with us", said the first lady of France Brigitte Macron, in an interview with Nelson Castro, The correspondent of TN. The journalist went to Paris to show the first person what the city looked like after the tragic event.

"This cathedral is our history, it is our heritage, it is our culture, it is a cathedral of poetry. This is not a phoenix because it's not in the ashes", said the wife of President Emmanuel Macron, after attending a Mbad in solidarity with the monument.The celebration took place Wednesday in the Saint Sulpice Parisian Church and brought together thousands of citizens gathered in front of building .

The flames that devoured part of the monument shocked the country and sparked a wave of solidarity from powerful businessmen. Donations exceed 800 million euros. Part of the euphoria was due to the fact that the day after the fire, President Macron had committed to rebuilding Notre Dame in five years. "We can do it and to do this, we will mobilize," he said in a message broadcast on its social networks.

    The first lady of France, Brigitte Macron, took part in a Mbad at the Saint-Sulpice Church in Paris on Wednesday. (Source: EFE)
The first lady of France, Brigitte Macron, took part in a Mbad at the Saint-Sulpice Church in Paris on Wednesday. (Source: EFE)

According to sources close to the investigation, a short circuit in the elevators used by workers to restore the roof and needle of the cathedral "could have caused the fire".

"The scaffolding intended for roof and needle restoration work was equipped with two elevators: the first at 24 meters from the ground and the other to reach the roof, at 54 meters", reported late the french portal of The Parisian.

After the fire of Notre Dame, Emmanuel Macron expressed his intention to rebuild the cathedral
After the fire of Notre Dame, Emmanuel Macron expressed his intention to rebuild the cathedral "all together". (Source: EFE)

Meanwhile, in a speech made in front of the Eliseo Palace nightclub, Macron announced that it would decorate firefighters who participated in the fire-fighting operation that destroyed much of the cathedral. "They were examples from all over the world. France will never forget themhe said at the ceremony, which involved about 270 in uniform.


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