Nemanja Bjelica joins Sacramento Kings Days after giving up the 76ers affair


Photo: Morry Gash (AP)

So it turns out that Nemanja Bjelica's sudden determination to play in Europe this season was only good for a few days. Bjelica waived a one – year contract with the Sixers on Tuesday, then spent three days sitting with the idea of ​​stopping her NBA career, and Friday night decided to join, from all teams , the Sacramento Kings:

This is another example of this summer of Vlade Divac that convinced a decent rotation player to change his mind about a free agency decision and join the Kings. Yogi Ferrell has withdrawn from a $ 5.3 million two-year contract with the Mavericks this week to join the Kings under a $ 6.2-million deal. dollars over two years. In both cases, it sounds like extra money – in the case of Bjelica, more money and more than two guaranteed seasons, with a third unsecured season swaying in the end – and a good note from Vlade did the deal. Per Shams Charania:

"I spent a lot of time talking with Vlade and as an icon in our country, he has a unique perspective on what it takes to put yourself in. a good NBA situation and what it takes to play perform in this situation, "said Bjelica Yahoo Sports. "The faith and commitment of the organization towards me have overwhelmed me, as well as my family, I am ready to do all I can to help Kings and to be part of the community of Sacramento. "

Even when making this point with words, Kings have too much credit for any plan, but Bjelica will not be able to play minutes of rotation on this team, as built, without one or more of their hundreds of great men moving out of position to play small attackers. No matter what the kings do, it does not look anything like the rest of the league, for better or for worse. But the real secret of this story is that Bjelica told the Sixers that he would rather retire from the NBA than relocate to Philadelphia, then adding an extra insult by joining the ridiculous "super team" of the Kings, what a strange summer . [19659006] [ad_2]
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