Nena is hanged with a belt because her mother took out her cellphone | Chronic


Minors and tech devices are a topic for parents trying to impose limits on them when using a cell phone or tablet. And the aberrant fact that occurred in New York, United States, is a clear example.

The girl was 9 years old.

Ciel Vega He was 9 years old and Saturday morning he asked his mother to use his phone to watch videos on YouTube. It was nine o'clock in the morning and his mother, identified as Jeniferhe thought it was too early for his daughter to play with the phone.

For this reason, she denied it despite the anger of the girl who insisted on giving it to her. After another refusal from her father, the child went crying in her room, from where she never left again.

A few hours later, when no noise was heard from inside the room, the mother climbed into the room and found Heaven's body lifeless, hanging with a belt. Desperate, she was taken to St. Barnabas Hospital in the Bronx, a suburb of New York, but the medical teams were unable to revive her.

Zoraida Irizarry, neighbor who lives next to the house where the little girl has committed suicide, said that the mother touched by the pain of the girl was reproaching herself for the tragedy. "I can not imagine what the mother is experiencing right now, one of my friends talked to Jennifer and said that she thought it was her fault", the American newspaper reported New York Post.


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