Nene, 2 years old, is choked with an apple and has become paralyzed | Chronic


A baby drowned with a fruit in Rotorua, on the North Island of New Zealand, which left him permanently paralyzed, local media reported. Benihana Renata It was only 2 years old when, in May 2016, a piece of apple remained in his throat while he was having lunch at Little Kindy Kindy Daycare.

The teachers tried to take the fruit and revived it breathing mouth to mouth, but the baby had a heart attack that lasted about 30 minutes.

The company WorkSafe investigated the incident and found that the center complied with health and safety standards, followed the guidelines for first aid, had a properly trained staff and immediately called the services of # 39; emergency.

Neihana spent two weeks in intensive care and two months in hospital. Because his brain was without oxygen for so long, the least that "I loved running and playing outside and I was a great dancer"He was left with a severe motor disability, the creature can not speak, walk or move alone.

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The condition that he has is permanent

To date, more than 100 nurseries across the country have adopted these new standards to avoid other similar cases.

According to one study, candies are a common cause of asphyxiation and emergency visits. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), airway obstruction is the leading cause of accidental death in children younger than one year old and the fourth most dangerous for children from 1 to 9 years old (making more victims than minors of those ages than car accidents, drowning in water or suffering burns).


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