Nene begs her father not to denounce a "black" to be at the door of his house | Chronic


An employee of Youtube He called the police after seeing an African American in the lobby of his building in San Francisco, United States.

The incident was filmed by Wesly Michel, the man himself who has been unjustly denounced, and adds to the growing trend of viral publications showing whites accusing the police of the presence of a black man.

Michel, programming engineer on the page Dictionary.comHe shared the video of the episode on his Facebook account on July 4th. In the images, you see the moment when Christopher Cukor He scolded him, in the presence of his son, a few moments before meeting his friends to celebrate the American Independence Day together.

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In the recording, we hear Cukor ask Michel to call who he was waiting for, as he was wary of his presence in the building. When the engineer refuses to do so, the employee of Youtube communicates with 911 and refers to the African-American as a "intruder".

"I have no way of knowing if it is true that he is waiting for someone he does not agree to call him", Cukor confessed to the police officer on the other side of the phone line.

Wesly had planned to meet with friends to celebrate the American Independence Day (Facebook).

Then Wesly warns Christopher that he is recording it and that "will be the next person to appear in the news" for his behavior.

At the attitude of his father, Cukor's son is shocked and tells him that what he was doing was wrong. "Dad, I do not like that, let's go" the baby is arguing again and again.

A few minutes later, Michel's friend and the employee of Youtube he has no choice but to leave when he realizes his mistake.

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The video originally posted on Facebook was viewed approximately 1.8 million times and shared by more than 36,000 users outraged by this racist attitude.


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