Nene has committed suicide because her grandfather had taken out her mobile phone to share it with her family | Chronic


An unusual situation was experienced in Mexico City, where an 8-year-old boy committed suicide after his grandfather took out his phone, to share a moment with the family and talk to them.

Research sources confirmed that the boy was enraged and stated that he did not want to talk to them. He was therefore outraged in his room, where he would have suffocated with the laces of his shoes.

The parents present let the child go to his room, thinking that he would simply act out of a pbading growl. what he did, according to the Excelsior

When his sister went to his room to see how he was going and if the anger had already disappeared, he found the boy unconscious. The family quickly transferred him to the hospital, where he arrived lifeless and with marks on his neck.

As the medical history pointed out, he would have secured himself with the laces of one of his shoes, that he would wrap around his neck and tie them to the bed, where he would exert such pressure that he would. he would lose his life in two minutes.

In interviews with the authorities, the family stated that the boy never showed signs of depression or anger, which surprised them even more to commit suicide.


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