Nenes killed amidst narco attacks, a tragedy that is repeated in Rosario – 07/04/2018


Maite slept with her two little sisters on the couch in the dining room. The after-dinner had lasted between discussions and companion. Damaris, hostess and mother of the girls, fattened when the first shots were heard. A lead from the second set of bullets broke through the door and hit the cheekbone of one of the creatures. The girl was taken to the hospital, but they could not save her.

The crime of Maite Ponce (5) shocked Rosario this Wednesday. His death was wrapped up in the context of drug trafficking and the conflict to develop drug markets. It's a repeating drama: in the last four years five boys between 2 and 5 years old were murdered in similar attacks.

In January 2014, Melanie Navarro (5) was caught in a shower of bullets. The baby played with eight other children on the way . From one car, they opened fire. A bullet hit his head

In February of last year, Santino Relo (2) was killed in the midst of a fierce gunfight that erupted in a humble home in the south. A man in conflict with his father for economic reasons burst into gunfire entering the back of the box . Three projectiles hit the boy's chest, which died on the way to the hospital. His father and another adult found each other.

  The box in which Santino Relo was killed (2). He was shot dead by a man who went to kill his father

The place where Santino Relo was killed (2). Five months later, Dulce Duarte (5) played in a parent's house when the roaring street forced everyone to turn around . . A bullet hit his head and killed him. They fired from a motorcycle. The target of the attack was the brother-in-law of the baby's older brother

  The house where Dulce Duarte was killed (5), in the district of Toba. (JUAN JOSE GARCIA)

The house where Dulce Duarte was killed (5), in the district of Toba. (JUAN JOSE GARCIA)

On the night of February 8 this year, Samir Riquelme (3) watched videos on a mobile phone lying on the floor of his house . At the door, on a deckchair, was his father, a drug dealer who was "branded," as they say in the jargon of the crime. A hitman killed both of them with bullets.

  Samir Riquelme (3) was shot while watching videos on a mobile phone, lying on the floor of his house. (JUAN JOSE GARCIA)

Samir Riquelme (3) was executed with bullets while watching videos on a mobile phone, lying on the floor of his house. (JUAN JOSE GARCIA)

Investigating the motive of the attack

The Maite family denounced that the shooting had been committed with the aim of usurping the house . "Where there is a corridor or anything that suits them and where there is room, they shoot at each other until you leave and turn it into a bunker ," says the mother of the victim, a young woman in tears. 20 years that, between hugs of relatives and neighbors, claimed justice for the murder of his daughter.

The investigators, however, did not rule out that the bullets were the product of a planned attack against some of the girl's parents. According to the neighbors, the area is "in full argument" between rival gangs seeking to consolidate themselves in the drug trade.

  The chair in which Maite slept when she was shot in the face. (JUAN JOSE GARCIA)

The chair where Maite slept when she was shot in the face. (JUAN JOSE GARCIA)

Maite's grandmother alluded to interpersonal problems when speaking to a television channel. "If they had a problem with me or someone else, why did not they catch me and not a five year old girl?" "she said angrily," and they were also killing my other granddaughters, "he asked without consoling himself.

According to the reconstruction, the tragedy could have been" even more Maite slept with her two sisters a one year old baby and a 7 year old baby were huddled on two couches The Investigative Police (PDI) collected 11 pods scattered throughout the house

The attack occurred after two in the morning on the street Ávalos to 1800, in a humble neighborhood of In the north of the city, the mother carried Maite in her arms and l 39; immediately took her to Alberdi Hospital, located a few blocks away. Emergency at the children 's hospital Víctor J. Vilela

At 6:30 am, the director of the health center, Viviana Esquivel, confirmed her death. The ball entered by the cheekbone and came out from behind the head . The girl entered the hospital with brain death.

A friend of the mother, who was at the top of the house at the time of the attack, said that from one window she was seeing a red and white Honda Tornado motorcycle stopping her walk in front of the house. Both occupants started firing and fled a few seconds later. Police found the motorcycle abandoned later in an open field.

In the same morning, in the district of Godoy in another part of the city, a house was attacked with bullets. The owner of the property has called the media to warn that it is not him that they are "looking for".

His grandson was saved by a miracle. "I turned off the television, I got up from the chair and I started an infernal shooting, I threw it on the floor to my grandson, when we went into the room 16 shots .45 caliber. In the grid are the marks, in my room two bullets are entered. Miracle did not kill my grandson "said the man in a state of panic.

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