Nenito stepped on a boiling barbecue and looks at how he let his foot | Chronic


A five-year-old boy was seriously burned after walking over a lit fire while walking on a beach in the English city of Bournemouth.

Oliver Briggs He was with his family when he accidentally found himself above a fire pit, which had been buried in the sand and abandoned.

As soon as the event occurred, Oliver shouted in agony when his mother terrified Kristina Willmore He ran with him up to the sea to try to calm the fire.

The accident was rushed to a nearby hospital and then transferred to a specialized burn unit at Salisbury District Hospital in Wiltshire.

Here is how the kid was left.

The soles of his right foot were badly swollen. The doctors had to cut the swollen skin and cover the poor young man's feet with bandages.

The young man was seriously injured.

The young man has already been discharged, but must undergo several treatments, in addition to not applying anything heavy or narrow on the affected area.

Oliver Briggs during his hospitalization.


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