Neo-Nazis organized a homophobic and racist march in Madrid | The Spanish government will go to the prosecutor’s office to report the fact


Sectors neo-nazis of Spain held this Saturday in the Chueca district of Madrid a demonstration with homo-diagnostic and racist slogans. In view of what happened, the Ministry of Equality of the Spanish government announced that will go to the Public Prosecutor’s Office for the content of “LGBTBIphobic and racist hatred” that was displayed in the mobilization.

The march took place this Saturday, when around 200 protesters marched through Chueca, a predominantly gay neighborhood in the Spanish capital, chanting “you like “out of our queer neighborhoods” and “Christian and non-Muslim Spain”, according to videos broadcast by the Spanish media.

The Minister of Equality of the Spanish government, Irene Montero, spoke about what had happened on Twitter and ensured that her wallet will bring the LGBTBIphobic and racist hatred of the Nazi protest in Chueca to the attention of the prosecutor’s office.

“We are also dealing urgently with Trans and LGTBI rights, which helps protect rights. LGTBI groups and individuals, you are not alone, ”added Podemos member Montero.

The demonstration was also condemned this Sunday by representatives of the Spanish right., among them the deputy mayor of Madrid Begoña Villacís, who wrote on Twitter: “If Chueca is free, if Madrid is free, it is because we are not the least concerned about those who choose to come out of the closet , but by those who recently decided to get out of the cave. “

Last July, the country – which is at the forefront of gender policy in Europe – recorded a wave of protests in favor of the LGBTI community following the murder earlier this month of Samuel Luiz, a young homosexual victim of homoodial assault in La Coruña. , Galicia.


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