Nero, the French bulldog who died 15 minutes after his owner


Science has proven with several studies. Pets are not only able to interpret our emotions, but they can also suffer them. This seems to explain why in Scotland they are moved, where everyone talks about the history of Stuart hutchison and his dog, a beautiful French bulldog who died 15 minutes after his owner.

The man was 25 years old and he died on Aug. 11 from a diagnosed brain cancer in 2011. He underwent various operations and chemotherapy sessions and, although he was successful in his life. improve, he has made several relapses since 2014. Stuart died at home, with his family. Nero was with him too. according to Daily mail, the animal did not support the departure of its owner and at 15 minutes he also died.

Fiona Conagham, Hutchison's mother, told local media that her son had died around 1:15 pm and Nero shortly after 1:30 pm. "He was admitted to the hospital to begin chemotherapy treatment by the end of 2018 and underwent routine exams every three months, and after a study in March this year, she was told that the treatment was working. " However, three months later, the picture was complicated. "In June, his whole arm started to touch him, they did another study and found that the cancer had metastasized: he had invaded his entire brain and had spread to the bones and to the bone. skin, "he added.

Stuart is married in January of this year with Danielle, his wife of 22 years. The wedding was in Clackmannanshire, where they lived with two other pets. Nero was the closest of the three. "We took Stuart home four weeks ago because he wanted to die where he was born, his wife is inconsolable to have lost both of them, but he is very strong," Fiona told the media. .


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