"Nerves of steel!": Nicolás Maduro called for a "popular mobilization to ensure the victory of peace"


Chavismo ensures that they disable the operation Source: AFP – Credit: Yuri Cortez

CARACAS.- The Chavez government today denounced the "coup d'etat" attempt by "traitors" and the Bolivarian leader

Nicolás Maduro

called on the people to defend peace after the president in charge

Juan Guaidó

announced the proximity of a military base that began
the "final phase" to put
end to "usurpation".

"Nerves of steel!" I have spoken with the commanders of all REDI and ZODI of the country, who have demonstrated their total loyalty to the people, the Constitution and the homeland.I call the maximum popular mobilization to ensure the victory of peace We will win! "Hugo Chávez's successor wrote on Twitter in his first reference to the country's current situation.

Before, the spokesman of the minister, Jorge Rodríguez, had badured: "We inform the city of


that right now, we are facing a small group of treacherous servicemen who have placed themselves in the Altamira distributor to promote a coup d'etat against the Constitution and peace of the Republic.

"To this attempt has been added the coup d'etat and the extreme right murderer, who announced his violent agenda for months," he said about Guaidó and the # 39; opposition.

We are informing the people of Venezuela that we are currently facing and deactivating a small group of treacherous militaries who have placed themselves in the Altamira distributor to promote a coup against the Constitution and peace of the Republic … 1/2 & – Jorge Rodríguez (@jorgerpsuv)
April 30, 2019

Given this panorama, he called "the people to remain on maximum alert to defeat, with the glorious national Armed Forces Bolivarian, the attempt of coup d'etat and preserve the peace". "We will win," Rodriguez said.

For its part, the president of the ruling Constituent Assembly, Diosdado Cabello, has spoken on TV and has shown firm: "We will be inflexible, radical". He also called on the Chavist people to visit the Miraflores Palace, the seat of the presidency.

In the same vein, Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino said that his country's armed forces "have stood firm in defending the Constitution and its legitimate authorities". According to several witnesses, from the La Carlota military air base, tear gas was fired at the group accompanying Guaidó, but no further detonations were heard.

The FANB strongly defends the National Constitution and its legitimate authorities. All military units deployed in the eight integral defense areas report normalcy in their barracks and military bases, under the command of their natural commanders. & – Vladimir Padrino L. (@vladimirpadrino)
April 30, 2019

Early today, at dawn, accompanied by several uniformed soldiers, Guaidó said that "courageous soldiers … attached to the Constitution came to our call" and announced the beginning of the last phase of the Liberty operation, which will end the Maduro government.

Without giving more details on the mobilization, the president of the National Assembly urged "all soldiers" to join the uprising against the Maduro government. He made it from the Altamira distributor, which stands next to the military air base of La Carlota, next to the leader of the opposition Leopoldo Lopez, published today by l 39; dissident army and as part of the process. After leaving his house arrest, López (arrested since 2014 by Chavismo) asked Venezuelans to go down the street peacefully.

DPA, Reuters and AP agencies


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