Nestlé has inaugurated a new production line and announced a $ 5,000 million investment for the coming years – Telam


The Nestlé multinational inaugurated its new liquid milk production line in the city of Villa Nueva, Córdoba, which required an investment of 480 million dollars and was part of a development plan launched there. four years ago for a total of $ 5.2 billion.

In this context, the CEO of Nestlé Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, Gian Carlo Aubry, announced that the company would launch a new investment plan of more than $ 5,000 million over a period of four years.

The new line inaugurated will allow the company to produce 10 million liters a year through heat treatment of sterilized milk.

In dialogue with Telam, Aubry said that the company's revenue "in the liquid market, with value-added products, serve to bring novelties to our consumers, to stimulate business growth, to promote export and become pioneers in new projects ""

Liquid milk produced at the Villa Nueva factory will be marketed under the Nesquik brand. In a short time, they will also start making Nido and NAN (infant formula) brands.


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