Netanyahu, controversial: Israel is not all its citizens but the Jewish people


"Israel is not a state of all its citizens, according to the basic law that we have approved, Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people, and only his own"Netanyahu wrote on his social networks in response to critics of the famous Israeli model Rotem Sela.

The model had criticized the government, and in particular the Minister of Culture, Miri Regev, for warning, in a television interview, against the possibility of an alliance between the centrist coalition Blue and White. former chief of the armed forces Beni Gantz and the linked group. currently in polling stations with the party of Netanyahuand the Israeli-Palestinian parties.

"And what is the problem with the Arabs (Palestinians)? By God, there are also Arab citizens in this country," said the model on his Instagram account, referring to 20% of the Israeli population who are Palestinians , descendants of those who did not leave the territory during the 1940s war and the founding of the state of Israel in 1948.

Faced with the consequences of criticism of the model and increasing electoral tension, the Prime Minister responded.

"As you wrote, there is no problem with the Arab citizens of Israel: they all have the same rights and the Likud government (their party) was most attached to Arab sector than any other government "said the Prime Minister who, on April 9, goes to the polls for reelection at the polls with a coalition of religious allies and right and right nationalists.

"The Likud only wanted to clarify the central issue of these elections: either a strong right-wing government led by me, or a left-wing government of Yair Lapid and Gantz with the support of the Arab parties," Netanyahu added, according to Xinhua. EFE news agency. and has ratified its polarization election strategy.

The nation-state law, pbaded last year and labeled a racist by a large part of the opposition and the international community, confers the right of self-determination on the Jewish people only and removes the status of civil servant. -official of the Arabic language, which uses more resources. 20% of the population.

A month after the elections, Netanyahu, weakened by the recent indictment of the Attorney General's Office for three corruption cases, is head-on in the polls with the alliance formed by Gantz, leader of the Resilience Force for Israel; Yesh Atid, Israeli MP Yair Lapid, and Telem, former Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon.

Moreover, the tension with Palestine does not subside.

Today, Israeli forces killed a 22-year-old Palestinian north of the occupied West Bank city of Jericho when, according to Israeli military police, he tried to escape from a checkpoint.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health identified the young man as Salameh Saleh Kaabneh, a local resident; while the Israeli military police said that in the car she found tools, not weapons.


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