Netanyahu orders the dissolution of parliament as negotiations to form coalition stagnate


Post a thumbnailAvigdor Liberman and Benjamin Netanyahu Photo: GPO of Amos Ben Gershom

Less than two months before the elections, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered MP Miki Zohar of his own Likud party to introduce a bill to dissolve Parliament (Knesset). If this measure is approved, this measure would involve the calling of new elections.

The deadline for the formation of the government expires on May 28 and the prime minister has not yet managed to sign an agreement with any of the political groups, who are profiling themselves as potential partners to form the coalition.

The move is aimed at putting pressure on MPs before the Likud can bridge the gap between the secular nationalist Israel Beitenu (led by MP Avigdor Liberman) and ultra-Orthodox groups (haredim). to form the new government.

The bone of contention revolves around the bill on the military enlistment of ultra-Orthodox youth, which the ultra-religious want to soften and which must be quickly re-legislated by order of the Supreme Court of Justice. Meanwhile, Liberman badured that he would not give a millimeter to the version already described by the Ministry of Defense, which governs the number of rabbinical seminar students (yeshivot) who will be enlisted in the service military.

Netanyahu announced that he would meet with party leaders of his eventual coalition in the coming hours to try to save the new government and avoid new elections.

"I am now making my last efforts to form a right-wing government and prevent unnecessary elections.I have presented to the partners a proposal for a solution based on the principles and data established by the army, it is not necessary for us to do anything. there is no reason to reject them, "said Netanyahu. .

"I will invite all party leaders tonight, I want to talk to them and try together to avoid unnecessary elections," he added.


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