Netherlands joins European countries suspending use of AstraZeneca vaccine


The Netherlands suspended this Sunday, as a precaution, the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine against the coronavirus, until March 28, after “possible side effects” were reported in Denmark and Norway.

“Based on new information, the Dutch Medicines Authority has advised, as a precautionary measure and pending further investigation, to suspend administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine” against covid-19, said the Ministry of Health in a press release.

From the pharmaceutical company, they assured that “There is no evidence” that your coronavirus vaccine carries an increased risk of blood clots in the blood despite the decision of several countries to suspend its use as a precautionary measure, he said in a statement.

The company made this statement after making “an in-depth review “of the available data on those who have received the vaccine in the UK and the European Union (EU).

“A few 17 million people in the EU and UK have already received our vaccine and the number of cases of clots that have been reported in this group is lower than the average one would expect in the general population, ”explained the pharmacist through a statement signed by his chief physician, Ann Taylor.

Ireland and the Italian region of Piedmont were the last to announce the suspension of the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine after Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Norway, Iceland and Thailand.

In Italy, the Piedmont region announced this Sunday that it was resuming vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine against Covid-19 but rejecting a batch as a precaution after the death of a vaccinated teacher.

Authorities have decided that the AstraZenca vaccine against covid-19 should be reused after hanging it for a few hours as a precaution, in order to detect the batch from which the vaccine given to the deceased teacher came and to withdraw it. , explained Piedmont. region on Sunday evening on its website, according to the AFP agency.

But the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday that



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