Network of ecclesiastical survivors of abuse defined the Vatican as a "genocidal state" | Chronic


The network of survivors of ecclesiastical abuse in Argentina repudiated the anti-pederasty summit held in the Vatican in the presence of Pope Francis.

"We invite world public opinion to declare a genocidal state to the Holy See, until it decides to respect its commitments when signing the international conventions on human rights." ;man.", indicates a network communication.

The entity said that what happened at the Vatican "confirms the state of systematic corruption that reigns in the Holy See, deliberately avoiding the exhortations made by international organizations five years ago".

They also claim that it was concluded that "This ecclesiastical pederasty is only part of the abuse as a cross-cutting and very broad problem, so much so that the incidence of the church is minimal, which is in direct opposition to the organization of a world summit to treat it ".

Then, besides discussing the "credibility" of the institution and the "Disrespectful, degrading and revictimizing treatment" that the victims had, not allowing them to debate "face to face"As part of the deliberations, the network discussed the issues developed at the end of the summit.

"The 21 suggestions of this deceptive pastor church that were mere starting points, are nothing but existing measures, outdated mechanisms that seek only to protect the institution in favor of priests and priests. abuse, and of course against the victims, who are denied the most basic rights and guaranteessaid the statement.

And he adds: "The prophylactic and behavioral measures proposed by the Pope as 19, formulating mandatory codes of conduct for all religious, service personnel and volunteers, show the degree of perversion, immorality and debauchery. subjects they need a legal standard to not rape boys and girls ".


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