New American distinction to Macri: lands of commercial megamissions


The delegation will be led by Assistant Deputy Secretary of Commerce Richard Steffens, but among the list of officials is Elizabeth Urbanas, Assistant Deputy Secretary for Asia and America, Department of Energy. .

But such a landing involves not only the private sector, but also the North American diplomatic leaders of the Southern Cone. For example, senior US embbady officials will arrive in Brazil, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Ecuador and Guyana. And in some cases, even, accompanied by entrepreneurs from these countries. A large part of the private bilateral agreements will be in the country. This initiative responds to the fact that a real regional trade summit will take place in Buenos Aires.

Among the main landmarks of this landing are:

A trade mission to the southern cone, which includes working meetings in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay.

On the 25th, a regional trade conference will be organized by the US Department of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) and the Foreign Affairs and Production Ministries.

A mission of the Business Council for International Understanding -BCIU- integrated by transport-oriented companies, to evaluate future investment projects.

US Chamber of Commerce (US Chamber of Commerce) sends a delegation focused on energy. In addition to meetings in Buenos Aires, they will visit the province of Neuquén and the elected governor.

The energy sector will be the focus of the 27 April meeting of the Institute of the Americas on "Oil, Gas, Lithium and the Transition of Energy".

A workshop will be organized by the United States Department of Commerce. and the Ministry of Production, continuing the business-to-business dialogue on good regulatory practices developed in 2016, following President Obama's visit.

By badyzing the list of North American companies that will arrive throughout the weekend, there is an interesting range of sectors. It should be noted that about thirty companies, of SME profile, are part of the trade mission and the rest comes from the BCIU. On this last point, it should be noted that its main interest is the transport sector, in particular airports and railways. "These are companies that want to take advantage of the opportunities generated by modernization projects," sources said at the diplomatic headquarters in Argentina. Several projects are related to P3s, which are currently under lock and key and from the perspective of CIPO.


For example, Astrophysics is dedicated to the development of security equipment type scanners for baggage and cargo inspection. Your goal is to find local partners. Others with a more technological profile like Azimuth, who will look for new companies and new distributors, others like Troy, Progress Rail (a Caterpillar company), Rapiscan Systems from Siemens. Several themed infrastructure such as Black & Veatch, Modec, Gulf Coast Environmental, Prism Lighting Services and Acrow; and of course from the energy sector such as GE Transportation, Aliessa, PeMinCo, Mitsubishi Electric, Luxmath Consulting, Global Resources Phoenix, Southwire, to Ghafari. There are also food companies, such as Dr. Bronner's and Tomex, specializing in refrigerated and frozen products up to Swissport, which operates the commercial air cargo business. Other emerging countries include the University of Medicine in Chicago and IoT related companies such as RapidSOS, as well as defense and security consulting firms.

In addition to the heterogeneous sectoral profile of the mission, the other interesting detail is that most do not yet have business in the country. Others are already operating mainly in the energy sector, especially in Vaca Muerta. And beyond some outstanding obstacles, including regulatory challenges, the North American government intends to advance the memoranda already celebrated and even sign new ones. For example, the mission had the idea to see the possibility of agreeing a memorandum of understanding for the case of lithium.

According to embbady sources, most of the companies that decided to participate in the mission believe that the country has made progress on the issue of transparency and the rules of the game, and they questioned the reputation of the country. # 39; Argentina. These are companies that aim for the long term. Of course, they do not fail to point out that the question of the costs and sustainability of reforms remains essential. One of the issues in dispute still not defined, that of intellectual property, the US Government It considers that Argentina could take advantage, for example, of the experience of Jordan, become a hub and distribution center for the Middle East in the case of drugs and medicines.

Speaking of costs, the entire organization of the mission has accelerated in recent weeks as the government struggled after the start of the year's budget dispute in the fight between Trump and Congress.


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