New audios from Matías Morla in Maradona and Venezuela’s “golden payments”


“There they do a little gold payments because they have all blocked accounts, but hey, God willing we will resolve the contracts so that everything continues the same ”, said in an audio from March 2019 the lawyer Matías Morla to his interlocutor is Diego Armando Maradona.

In the series of messages that have been published, Morla can be heard trying to convince the “Ten” to travel to Venezuela to release debt from the Nicolás Maduro regime with the Italian company Casillo.

According to a portal survey Infobae, in this enterprise Maradona was hired as a “lobbyist” to develop sales in Latin America. Strictly speaking, its function would have been “to open new markets” or to conduct negotiations in Latin America, in countries like Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

Casillo is a group of companies founded in southern Italy. In 2014, “world leader in the processing and marketing of durum wheat, and is an important international player in the trading of agricultural raw materials”, as the company describes it on the internet. It operated in conjunction with the Venezuelan Foreign Trade Company (CORPOVEX).

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Maradona reportedly received a percentage of total grain sales. According to the 2015 contract that Infobae accepted, it charged $ 3 per metric tonne that Casillo sold in Venezuela and Nicaragua. In the case of Cuba, the commission has been reduced to $ 1.8 per tonne.

But the football star would not have been the only beneficiary. For each sale, Matías Morla and the company “Diez FZE” also received a commissionThe lawyer allegedly charged 30 cents of the dollar per tonne sold in Nicaragua and Cuba and 40 cents for each tonne arrived in Venezuela.

However, the means of payment would have entered a crisis after the blockade of Venezuelan bank accounts by the United States and European countries. Payments from Maduro’s regime to Casillo began to delay, affecting the commissions Maradona and his people were charging. In this frame appears the payment in gold mentioned by the lawyer.

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“There they are making payments in gold because they have all the accounts blocked, but hey, God willing, we’ll break the contracts to keep everything the same,” Morla said in the first 43-second audio after mentioning preparations for an alleged trip to Venezuela.

The blockade issue is very complicated and they will pay with goldThen I’ll talk to you about the topic in person, ”repeats Morla, trying to convince Diego of the whirlwind trip on a private flight. “Whether you go, it goes without saying how important it would be, but hey it is also understood that you work in your club,” he adds.

In another audio, he insists again and mentions a Venezuelan official named Simón: “He asks you to go there soon, one day to support him so that you go to the palace of Miraflores. They will give you a revolutionary award with President Maduro and that you address the people ”.

Maradona ultimately did not travel to Venezuela in 2019 and Morla’s environment estimates Casillo’s debt with the star to exceed $ 20 million, although there is no evidence to support that figure. The attorney’s audios were found on a cell phone used by Maradona.


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