New complaint for sexual harassment against the governor …


For the second time in four days New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo has been charged with sexual harassment. In this case, a former collaborator said she was questioned about her sex life by the governor, who denied the charges.

Charlotte Bennett, 25, claimed that Cuomo, for whom he worked until recently as women’s health policy advisorHe made her understand that he “wanted to go to bed” with her whenever they were alone.

“He never tried to touch me; He said he suffered from loneliness during a pandemic because he couldn’t even hug someone, ”Bennett said, according to the newspaper. The New York Times. And he added that at the beginning of June, one night when he was alone with the governor, he started asking very personal questions, especially about his sex life and if he thought the age difference was an obstacle. to the relationship.

I felt incredibly uncomfortable and scared, ”Bennett said, noting that Cuomo, 63, had told him he was“ open to dealing with women in his twenties ”.

The complainant stated that She was dismissed from her post after confiding these facts to the governor’s chief of staff, Jill DesRosiers.

Once the complaint is made public, the governor responded to the accusations with a statement sent to the media in which he denied the facts and claimed he believed he was acting as a mentor to the young woman. “I never made any progress with Bennett or intended to act inappropriately,” said Cuomo, who referred to Bennett as “a valued member of his staff” and of which, he said, ” he has every right to speak “.

Cuomo initially called for an “external and thorough” investigation of the complaints and asked New Yorkers to wait for the results of the investigation “before passing judgment.” However, soon after, he backed down on his proposal and replaced it with a request for the prosecution and a judge to appoint a lawyer to investigate.

This is the second complaint against the governor of New York after what Lindsey Boylan, former head of state economic development, will tell in a letter published on the portal Way, What between 2016 and 2018, Cuomo had repeatedly harassed her and even, at one point, he had kissed her in her Manhattan office, when they were both alone.

In another episode of the alleged harassment, the official sitting in front of her on the official plane allegedly cornered her with his knees and invited her to play strip poker, a form of game that requires the loser to undress.

The governor, who received a special Emmy award for his televised press conferences on the pandemic, is also in the crosshairs of public opinion – and his party’s most progressive faction – over a case of withholding data on deaths from coronavirus in nursing homes. in the state under investigation by the courts and the FBI.

His executive powers in dealing with the pandemic also prompted the resignation of around ten senior public health officials, whom he allegedly ignored when making important decisions, such as the model for administering vaccines against Covid-19.


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