New containments and restrictions in the face of the frantic advance of the coronavirus – Telam


India has a daily record of cases with more than 145,000 new positives

India has a daily record of cases with more than 145,000 new positives

The exponential increase in coronavirus cases has led to the imposition of new lockdowns centered on India and Colombia, while in Latin America several countries have decided to expand restrictions due to the worsening pandemic , while lack of doses and fear of side effects are slowing vaccination campaigns around the world.

India recorded a daily record of cases with more than 145,000 new positives – last week’s fifth daily figure of over 100,000 detectable -, with an epicenter in Maharashtra state and its capital Bombay, which entered a lockdown over the week -end to try to alleviate infections due to the shortage of vaccines and hospital beds.

The region is the most affected by Covid-19 in the country, the third with the most infected in the world behind United States Yes Brazil, and its 125 million inhabitants must comply with weekend containment throughout the month of April.

The vaccination of India’s 1.3 billion people is also at a critical juncture, as health officials have warned they are on the verge of cutting off supplies and if they don’t get more immediately, the campaign could be suspended on Monday.

At Colombia, the 8 million inhabitants of Bogot have also begun a total closure which will be in effect at least until Monday to stop the advance of the coronavirus.

Brazil recorded the highest number of deaths attributable to Covid-19 in the world in the last day, with 3,693.

Brazil recorded the highest number of deaths from Covid-19 in the world on the last day, with 3,693.

The restriction in the capital comes on top of nighttime curfews imposed by the government this week in the cities of Medelln, Cali, Barranquilla and Santa Marta, where the health system is operating at the limit.

“This weekend, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, we will all stay at home,” said Mayor Claudia Lpez, stressing that the severity of a third wave that “has already started” depends on the people of Bogota.

Residents of the capital can only go out to get supplies, go to the doctor, perform essential or medical activities, exercise for an hour and walk the pet, according to local newspaper El Tiempo.

Colombia is the second country in Latin America with the most cases of coronavirus, with 2.5 million positives, behind Brazil, and the third with the most deaths, with more than 65,000, after the southern giant. American and Mexico.

In all Latin America and the Caribbean, the Covid-19 killed over 823,000 people and infected over 26 million, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Brazil, the worst-affected country in the region with nearly 350,000 dead, recorded the highest number of Covid-19 deaths in the world in recent days, with 3,693, the AFP news agency reported.

Meanwhile, the rapid expansion of the Brazilian strain that emerged in Manaus, up to twice as virulent, not only caused a hospital collapse and records of infections and deaths in Brazil, but also at several of its neighbors.

Uruguay recorded 52 deaths from the coronavirus in 24 hours on Friday, the highest daily figure since the start of the pandemic, at a critical time with saturated hospitals in Montevideo, local media and authorities reported in recent hours.

“52 deaths with a diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 have been confirmed in our country. So far there are 1,363 deaths with a diagnosis of Covid-19”, reported the National Emergency System (Sinae) in its daily report.

A maximum of active cases was also recorded, with 32,342 people with the disease and patients in intensive care with 453.

In turn, on Friday 3,786 new cases were detected and the total has risen to 137,946 since March 2020.

The worsening of the pandemic on the continent has led Bolivia to extend the closure of its border with Brazil and Paraguay by one week to extend until April 19 the restrictions in force since last Monday, with limitations in the Business hours. the sale of alcohol, local media reported.

Colombia is the second country in Latin America with the most cases of coronavirus, with 2.5 million positives, behind Brazil, and the third with the most deaths, with more than 65,000, after the southern giant. American and Mexico.

The situation is also critical in Peru, where 15 people with coronavirus have died in a hospital in the Peruvian city of Talara due to a lack of oxygen, denounced the mayor of the homonymous province, Jos Vitonera.

Vitonera denounced that the national government was committed to building an unfinished modular hospital.

“He does not have intensive care beds (intensive care units), he says, he does not have an oxygen plant, he has an isotank for the storage of oxygen, but as as the number of infected patients increases, this 10,000 cubic meter load decreases, ”the mayor said in statements to the Peruvian RPP station.

“Then it has to be powered by oxygen cylinders which are currently being recharged at a private company in El Alto,” he added.

The private company is located 45 minutes from Talara, so there are delays in recharging the isotank and this has prevented several people from receiving oxygen, the Europa Press news agency reported.

Through It is going through the fourth wave of infections, with reports of more than 9,000 daily positive cases totaling 1.6 million cases and more than 54,000 deaths since the start of the pandemic, for which the Government decided this week to extend it until April 18. In April, the measures implemented to stop the contagion, on the eve of the general elections on Sunday.

As the coronavirus continues to rise rapidly, vaccination is advancing unevenly around the world.

More than 733 million doses have been applied in at least 196 countries and territories, 49% of which are in high-income countries, where 16% of the world’s population resides.

At the same time, vaccination has been altered in several countries by the possible side effects of the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines, studied by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).


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