New death record in Russia: for the first time they exceeded 900 deaths from COVID-19 in one day


Medical staff at a hospital in Volgograd, Russia (Reuters)
Medical staff at a hospital in Volgograd, Russia (Reuters)

Russia surpassed the threshold of 900 daily Covid-19 deaths on Wednesday for the first time since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, and recorded for the fifth consecutive day more than 25,000 new infections in the past 24 hours.

According to the COVID operational center, on the last day 929 people died by contagious disease, that is to say a new record after eight consecutive days of death. The highest number of deaths were reported in Moscow (71) and St. Petersburg (55).

A total of 212,625 people have died in Russia since the start of the pandemic, although official statistics on excessive deaths during the same period have tripled that figure.

In turn, and in the absence of new restrictive measures, new infections continue for fifth consecutive day above 25,000 nationwide. During the last day, 25,133 new infections were detected in the 85 Russian regions, including 2,182 asymptomatic cases.

The daily curve of new deaths:

The Daily COVID-19 deaths confirmed in Russia, según Our world in data

Russian Deputy Prime Minister and Pandemic Control Tatiana Gólikova on Tuesday said there were currently three times as many cases as at the same time a year earlier. The upward trend is observed in 67 out of 85 Russian regions.

According to the authorities, 97% of new cases can be attributed to delta variant, more aggressive than the previous ones. The Chumakov Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences is finalizing the preclinical testing phase of a vaccine against the delta variant.

Moscow continues to be the hotbed of the pandemic in Russia and recorded 3,589 new cases in the past day, followed by St. Petersburg (2,187) and the Moscow region (1,410). In turn, 19,941 citizens were released in the last 24 hours after their recovery. of the coronavirus.

So far, this pandemic has been identified in Russia 7,662,560 cases in all regions of the country. For its part, the number of cured patients in the country rose to 6,778,900.

Russia is the fifth country with the most coronavirus cases in the world, behind the United States, India, Brazil and the United Kingdom.

Vaccination centers receive few people despite rising cases and deaths (Reuters)
Vaccination centers receive few people despite rising cases and deaths (Reuters)

For now, authorities are ruling out further measures and are focused on trying to increase the low vaccination rate, even with raffles that include cash prizes, cars and even houses.

To date, nearly 49 million citizens have been vaccinated with the first dose (33.4% of the population) and 43.3 million received the full pattern (29.6% of the population). Compared with other countries and the world average, Russia ranks remarkably low in its vaccine availability.

At Dark green, the percentage of the population fully vaccinated; to green, the percentage partially vaccinated; the sum of the two, at the end of each line (Our world in data)

Kremlin spokesman Dmity Peskov said on Wednesday that the closures would be “an absolutely undesirable scenario for any region”. He also poured cold water on any measure at the national level saying that regions “are taking action individually.”

At a government meeting on Tuesday, Moscow’s mayor Sergei Sobyanin said his city was “far from record numbers” and that the increase in infections was largely linked to high detection rates. Two-thirds of Moscow’s hospital beds for coronavirus patients are currently occupied, he said.

(With information from EFE and AFP)


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