New documents prove Wuhan lab and Chinese military collaboration in secret animal virus research project


Security personnel in front of the Wuhan Institute of Virology during the WHO site visit (REUTERS / Thomas Peter)
Security personnel in front of the Wuhan Institute of Virology during the WHO site visit (REUTERS / Thomas Peter)

the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the laboratory indicated by several experts as one of the places where the new coronavirus could originate, has been implicated in a animal virus detection project led by civilian and military scientists, despite the fact that the Chinese regime denies such links.

The project, called “Discovery of pathogens carried by wild animals”, was launched in 2012 and was funded by the National Foundation of Natural Sciences of China. Its aim was to find and classify pathogens that could infect humans and investigate their evolution, according to documents obtained by the British newspaper. Mail on Sunday.

The project was led by Xu Jianguo, the scientist who led the first group of experts to study the emergence of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes covid-19, in Wuhan in December 2019. In accordance with the directives of the Chinese regime, Jianguo first denied the seriousness of the epidemic: initially excluded human transmission of the new coronavirus, while in mid-January, he had Declare that “This outbreak is limited and will end if there are no new cases next week.”

Since, almost 150 million people have been infected with covid-19 in the world. From this, 3.1 million died.

They were also part of the project Shi Zhengli, the chief virologist of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, nicknamed “Bat Woman” for her trips to find samples in bat caves, and Colonel Cao Wuchun, senior military officer and government adviser on bioterrorism.

Chinese researcher Shi Zhengli in the P4 laboratory of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (JOHANNES EISELE / AFP)
Chinese researcher Shi Zhengli in the P4 laboratory of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (JOHANNES EISELE / AFP)

Cao’s participation would be proof of the Chinese military’s collaboration in research conducted by the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the largest reservoir of bat coronavirus in Asia, which Shi Zhengli and the Chinese regime have consistently denied.

Cao, an epidemiologist who studied at Cambridge University, is listed in project reports as a researcher for the People’s Liberation Army Academy of Military Medical Sciences, works closely with other military scientists and chairs the Expert Committee on Military Biosecurity. In addition, he is part of the advisory board of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. He was the second in command of the military team sent to the city under the command of the major general Chen Wei, China’s leading biodefense expert to respond to the new virus and develop a vaccine.

Colonel Cao Wuchun, advisor to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and Major General Chen Wei, China's leading biodefense expert.
Colonel Cao Wuchun, advisor to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and Major General Chen Wei, China’s leading biodefense expert.

According to project documents obtained by The Sunday Mail, the scientists who led the project claimed to have discovered “A large number of new viruses, causing great concern in the international virological community.”

A leading Chinese scientist, who published the first genetic sequence for the covid-19 virus in January last year, has discovered 143 new diseases only during the first three years of the project.

Chinese scientists added that if transmitted to humans and livestock, pathogens could cause new infectious diseases “This poses a great threat to human health and personal safety and can lead to significant economic losses and even affect social stability”.

In 2018, scientific teams, which published many of their findings in international journals, found four new pathogens and ten new bacteria, while “More than 1,640 new viruses have been discovered using metagenomic technology.”

This research is based on the extraction of genetic material from samples such as those collected by Dr Shi from the droppings and blood of bats in cave systems in southern China.

Among the samples kept in the laboratory is the virus RaTG13, the closest to the new strain of coronavirus that causes covid.

Wuhan lab took its virus sample database offline in September 2019, a few weeks before cases of covid erupted in the city.

The P4 laboratory of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.  (Hector RETAMAL / AFP)
The P4 laboratory of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. (Hector RETAMAL / AFP)

The links between scientists and the military in China feed the suspicions of many Western countries and even of the WHO, which accused China of little transparency in the conduct of its investigations.

The United States Department of State has expressed its concern over risky experiments in Wuhan lab and suggested the researchers fell ill with covid-like symptoms weeks before the epidemic emerged more widely in the Chinese city.

Last monthThe United States, Britain, the United States and 12 other countries have criticized Beijing for refusing to share key data and samples after doubts left by a joint study by the World Health Organization. Yes China on the origins of the pandemic.

In recent years, the Chinese military has increased the recruitment of scientists after the president Xi Jinping say it was a key element in the nation’s march to world supremacy.

David Asher, An expert in biological, chemical and nuclear proliferation, who led the State Department’s investigations into the origins of Covid-19, said: “The Chinese have made it clear that they regard biotechnology as an important part of the world. future of hybrid warfare.. The big question is whether his work in these areas is offensive or defensive. “


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