New elections, the nightmare that is repeated in Spain


Pedro Sánchez talks with Pablo Casado Credit: Ricardo Rubio / DPA

Since last April, President Sánchez has not managed to reach a minimum of coincidences with the radical left. they would call to vote again in September

MADRID.- Blockage, long faces, mistrust. They just need to throw themselves with the dishes. Until recently, the "privileged partners" of socialism and the radical left do not get a minimum agreement to form a government and this one develops


the possibility of being summoned

new elections

"There is no second chance, either we are organizing now, or we are going to new elections," threatened socialist spokeswoman Adriana Lastra.

"Socialism behaves as if it had the absolute majority and imposes new elections", rethink those of Podemos, the party led by Pablo Iglesias. The same who, until recently, spoke of a "coalition government" with the socialist Sanchez and dreamed of holding a ministry.

Today, it seems almost impossible. Ten weeks after the elections last April, during which the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) had obtained a clear victory, but insufficient to form a government, the feeling grows that La Moncloa seeks to stir and give another appeal to the government. Urns in September.

What has happened so that things go like this?

Socialism slips that Sanchez feels uncomfortable with the radical position taken by Podemos against Catalonia. By the way, they suggest that the only thing Iglesias is looking for is the "ruling seats," including that of the vice-president of the government. A price they understand in Moncloa, too high and not very fruitful.

From Podemos, they reproach Sánchez for moving away from the left. "He has done nothing to show that he wants a transformative government," they say.

Below, the calculation also beats: socialism is convinced that if there are new elections, it will strengthen its position at the expense, precisely, of Podemos.

"We have already waited so long that it would be better to wait a little longer, to call elections and get a strong government, instead of reaching an agreement now and again. to have a government in constant and unstable tension, "they slipped.

In two weeks he will hold an inaugural session with Sanchez as a candidate, but for the time being no one – neither the acting president nor his party – is convinced that he can at from there leave the appointed president.

The curious thing is that the inability of the left to form a national government repeats itself with the right in the powerful community of Madrid.

There, the main popular parties (PP) and Ciudadanos (Cs) need the contribution of Vox's radical right to add seats and vote for a government.

But for this, Vox demands "respect" and negotiation in three bands. Something that Cs refuses, who claims to benefit from his votes without giving him any treatment.

In any case, last night seemed to give something: its referents posed for the first time with those of the radical right.

However, no one knows if the move will be enough to vote for a right-wing government in Madrid today.


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