New escalation in the Gaza Strip | Israel respon …


New escalation of tensions in the Gaza Strip. After a rocket from the Palestinian enclave fell early on a house in central Israel, the Israeli armed forces targeted their drones and fighter jets against Palestinian militia targets. . As a result, the office of the political leader of the Islamist movement Hamas Ismail Haniye was destroyed. The United Nations (UN) has called for maximum restraint in the region.

First, it was the Palestinians. A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip on Monday morning hit a community home in Mishmeret, more than 120 km from the enclave, in the central region of Israel, and left seven wounded. "The house was damaged and, as a result of the impact, a fire was declared, the police went to the scene and the area was closed," a police spokesman said. . David Roja's Estrella emergency services said: "Seven residents were injured, including a 60-year-old woman slightly injured, injured by shrapnel, another 30-year-old woman slightly injured in the leg, and five others injured, including a 12-year-old girl and two children aged 3 and 1.5. "In Israeli communities along the Gaza border, authorities opened shelters and alerted the population of the imminent bombing raid, in addition to suspending the train between the cities of Ashkelon and Sderot, reported the Times of Israel. No militia has claimed responsibility for this attack, but the Israelis have accused the Islamist movement Hamas, which controls Gaza.

The Israeli army, contrary to custom, did not react immediately, but the bombing began at six o'clock in the afternoon (local time). According to security sources in the Palestinian enclave, Israel has carried out at least 10 airstrikes against Hamas-owned installations, military posts and complexes – including the Haniye office – and its armed wing, Ezedin Brigades. al Qasam, as well as the goals of other Palestinian militias. The fighter jets also destroyed another five-story building in the Rimal district, north of Gaza, used by the brigades. The air force also bombed a demolished three-storey building which, according to the IDF, operated as a Hamas intelligence center.

So far, no casualties have been reported, but the Red Crescent emergency services have already set up their facilities and mobilized field health personnel, ambulances and hospitals. .

After the fires broke out, UN Secretary-General António Guterres yesterday called for maximum restraint to avoid escalation in Gaza. "Further escalation is likely to aggravate an already difficult situation, especially for civilians living near and within Gaza," the government spokesman told reporters. Stéphane Dujarric. The head of the United Nations, through his spokesman, expressed serious concern over these recent events and indicated that the organization he represents was working with Egypt and other actors to to reduce the tension.

Guterres also condemned the attack on the Palestinian enclave. For the highest representative of the UN, the launch from Gaza of the rocket that destroyed the house in Israel is a serious and unacceptable violation. Dujarric added that the organization was aware of the information on the Israeli response and that she was watching the situation closely.


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